TItleist Hole In One Tag

Follow Thread

By Brandon E

  • 26 Replies
  1. Titleist T200 9 iron from 150. Wind off the right and down a bit. Aimed about 10 yards right of flag and hit it full. Ball landed about 4 yards short of hole and in the hole with next hop.
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  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Eddie H said:

    Titleist T200 9 iron from 150. Wind off the right and down a bit. Aimed about 10 yards right of flag and hit it full. Ball landed about 4 yards short of hole and in the hole with next hop.
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    Awesome shot and feeling. Hope you posted it on Hole In One Stories and registered for you free Titleist HIO bag tag. The Titleist badge of honor. Wear it on your bag with pride. When someone ask what it is, then you will have a wonderful story to tell. A big shout out and congratulations. Cheers, Chuck.................
  3. Congrats! Still trying myself lol!!!!
  4.  dbscarboro


  5. Congrats! I’m still chasing my first one, I’ve come close a couple times, but never in. Congrats again!
  6. Manny A

    Manny A
    Staten Island, NY

    Congrats!!! Still searching for my illusive one !!!
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