What’s the Best Golf Equipment Upgrade You’ve Made?

Follow Thread

By John Miller

  • 27 Replies
  1. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Am not one that changes Drivers and Fairways every cycle unless my fitter and I see real progress. Was playing TSI2s and did make the move to the new GT2s recently (as noted above) with my Driver and added the Fairway 15* Wednesday. Am really impressed with the GTs.
  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    I normally don’t remark how much an equipment change has impacted my game. Fighting age, the goal is to maintain the same handicap.

    So Titleist is going to have to go some to get me to switch my 2023 T200’s and TSR-1 hybrids. I still can’t read a green well, but I have more fun getting on the greens. I’m definitely gaining strokes tee to green.
  3. Frank W

    Frank W

    Years ago I got fit for irons by a club professional that was responsible for my handicap dropping 4-5 points quickly. Two degrees upright with an additional 1.5” on my irons made a big difference. I have played those specs since. Recently changing to a Cart 15 bag has made life more enjoyable too. More pockets and more room are great.
  4. robert w

    robert w
    Beeton, ON

    Got fitted for the GT Fairway 7 wood and can't wait to add it to my bag. The way the ball comes off the face, its going to be a gamechanger for me for sure!!!!!
  5. Getting fit for your equipment in general is one of the best moves you can make.

    With that said, I bought a few putters this offseason I liked to have extended time trying them out. I have dialed in a putter that just rolls straight time after time. Really crazy seeing how the wrong putter will result in consistent pushes / pulls etc. this has me really excited for the season.
  6. Justin Helton

    Justin Helton
    Newnan, Georgia

    Wedges 100%. Got fitted for wedges by a certified Titleist professional and was by far the best investment I have made so far.
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