Alignment Lines on Golf Balls

Follow Thread

By Kevin C

  • 30 Replies
  1. I have been using the ProV1 in yellow ever since they came out - I find them much easier to see than white. I noticed the new “enhanced alignment” is only currently available on the white ProV1 ... will you have it in Yellow as well and if so when will they be available ?
  2. Military

    You can get different line options through, and they aren’t anymore expensive.
  3. Jon S

    Jon S
    Collinsville, CT

    After some experimentation this summer with alignment lines on the golf ball for putting, I've concluded that 1, they absolutely help your putting and I don't know why I didn't use them sooner, and 2, I prefer a single thin black line that is a little less than half the ball so it looks like it's all the way around the ball from address. I wish they made a mark that was like this, as I'm sure it's the most popular way of marking on tour as well. And another benefit, not many people use lines this way I've found, so it's very easy to identify your ball when playing your home course.
  4. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    I understand the marketing using the highest volume sales balls, but having the alignment option on the yellow Pro-V would be a nice addition. Even better than a custom 00-99 number.
  5. Diego D

    Diego D
    Miami, FL

    As a 2018 Tour Soft ball fan and former NXT Tour fan, I am looking forward to playing with 2020 Tour Soft ball with its new sidestamp design. The simplicity of the 'T' alignment design suits my eye.

    With my 2018 Tour Soft balls, I simply use a black sharpie marker and draw a line with an alignment tool.

    I have friends that use the Greenkeppers Line M Up Pro or the most recent Trident Align. Both alignment tools come with a ball marker with lines, however, the latter has an adjustable ball marker.

    To be honest, it is a matter of preference which may vary with time. As an average golfer trying to get to a single-digit handicap, I can relate to any fellow golfer trying to do a bit extra to raise confidence and improve accuracy.
  6. Jon S

    Jon S
    Collinsville, CT

    As part of custom options, I'd like to see a variety of alignment aids for the ball.... like a single long line instead of the two short lines that you can buy now.
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