AVX vs. V1 vs. V1X

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By John B

  • 70 Replies
  1. Love the AVX! I hit the ball abnormally high with a png G400 LST 8.5* set @ -1* w/ a hzrdus HC yellow 63 gram XStiff shaft. Swing speeds of 110-115 mph. As you can see from my driver set up I was desperate to bring my ball flight down to generate more roll off the tee... The AVX was the answer!!! Not only did it give me what I was looking for off the tee but I saw an average of 8 yards more carry with my irons. The greatest benefit the AVX provided for me was the reaction on the greens! It was completely unintentional! I consistently struggled with the Pro V1 backing up off the greens away from the hole and some times even into the water on a certain par 3! The AVX JUST STOPS about a foot from where it lands for me. Even with a 6-4 iron it only rolls 5-7 feet! For the 1st time in my life I can hit a flop shot that stops immediately or I can hit a bump & run consistently! Very consistent with the putter as well. I’m scoring significantly better with this ball!
    The only question I have is Why aren’t any tour pro playing it? I played golf at an SEC school then played several smaller tours like E, swoosh & Tight Lies which ended in 2 major back operations that I never made it back from... I just don’t understand why tour players are not on the AVX?
  2. After many rounds (150 or more?) with AVX now I'm back to my long-time favorite Pro V1x. The 2019 model no longer gives up any distance for me compared to AVX and it's available in my preferred yellow color.

    I always hesitate to draw conclusions about small differences in golf balls, my game is just too variable to say for sure what is due to the ball and what was just a strange swing or bad contact. But I'm 99% sure that Pro V1x is stopping quicker than AVX in some situations.

    I'm talking about where a shot is offline, the ball lands in the fringe but instead of taking a couple hops then rolling off the green into trouble it stays put. Or short-sided bunker shots where an AVX I'd expect to roll out 10+ feet but the Pro V1x stops in half that distance. Never enough distance to say it saves me strokes necessarily but just a little extra degree of control and predictability.

    On the flip side, there are probably times when I come up a bit short and AVX might take one extra hop up onto the front of the green but Pro V1x stops in the fringe. So I'm not claiming either ball is better or worse than the other, just saying even to a double-digit handicapper after about 10 rounds back with the Pro V1x I do see some minor differences.
  3. Jared H

    Jared H
    Washington, UT

    I am going to use the avc when it is really cold to help with the compression and also when it is windy.
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I suppose you mean the AVX. A very good ball. I play my normal ball, the Prov1 the year round in all conditions to maintain the same consistency and fell. Feel no need to change. Have played the AVX for a month to give them a fair comparison and it goes about five yards longer off my driver. Of course I am an old man at 73 and can only hit it at best 250 with my Prov1. Balls are no longer measured by compression and we are not playing balata golf balls. When it is windy, I just adjust......just saying, with respect....cheers, but if it works for you, happy golfing....
  5. Struggling trying to figure out my ball of choice. I just finally broke 80 due to my chipping and putting. I’m very inconsistent off the tee and scramble well. Will a ball really make a difference for a 13 HC’per and which one. I currently use the Velocity and Other brands that I find. My shots are typically very high and I have never backed up a ball on the green.
  6. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Michael L, let me start by saying how much it usually bothers me when handicaps are added into the discussion. So many different reasons that apply to someone's handicap. Maybe they are bad putters or struggle with just one aspect of the game. If you want to bring down your handicap, find your own weaknesses and attack those specifically. That said, I feel that playing the same ball every time does contribute to my consistency and probably equates to 2-5 strokes per round. It especially has reduced my 3-putts as the feel for longer lag putts is more consistent. I also am a short hitter so the ProV1x gives me a little more overall distance and the height I want for iron shots into the greens. Every ball will have some trade off. Find the one that works best for you and try to stick with that same one for a while and see if that helps. Most important, have fun out there!
  7. Found this online:

    The AVX Verdict with the Driver: About The Same!

    With the driver we saw remarkably comparable performance to the standard Pro V1 ball. You will see that the data above shows the Pro V1x to have nearly 3mph greater ball speed, and 300 more RPMs of spin, but this should likely be attributed to my hitting the center of the face just a fraction more accurately during testing.

    We do not necessarily see lower launch or less spin with the AVX. Carry and total distances are all right in line. We see comparable performance to both of the Pro V balls with the AVX.

    The AVX Verdict with the Wedge: About The Same!

    Titleist says the AVX ball may be a good fit for a player seeking more distance and willing to give up "ultimate" greenside performance. Fortunately for anyone who gets their hands on the AVX, we do not see anything in our data that demonstrates a sacrifice in greenside performance.

    Yes, the ball is the lowest spinning of the 3 with a partial wedge shot, but the difference is only a couple hundred RPMs. That's not much! We don’t find the difference to be statistically significant enough to say you will sacrifice any greenside control. In this case, "about the same" is actually a win!

    The AVX Verdict with Irons: Major Distance Gain!

    These were full swing 7-iron shots for me. This is where the difference in the AVX golf ball becomes apparent.

    The data clearly shows that the AVX ball spins less – about 1000 RPMs less. This is a significant difference. The result is that the AVX ball carries 6 to 8 yards longer than the Pro V1 models tested.

    The AVX ball does indeed feel a bit softer than the Pro V1 & Pro V1x, but not significantly so in my opinion. I think this ball would be a great addition for Titleist as it genuinely helps players looking for more distance with the irons. Titleist should be completing their market testing of the AVX in February and decide then whether or not to release the ball to golfers around the world.

    I will be trying both ProV1X and AVX this weekend.
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  8. TT Member

    TT Member
    Hertfordshire, UK

    Thanks for sharing that - an good write up and interesting data.

    I have used all 3 models and they're all consistent for what I used them for. The V1 and AVX share equal space in my bag.
  9. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Flight numbers with all three balls showed similar results for me with the current Pro-V1 and the prior generation AVX. The AVX with the lower spin with irons increased my roll out for more total distance. For casual rounds I'll carry 1 of each in my pocket (and some of each in the bag). The V is my choice for a mid-iron par 3 - more confidence in holding the green.
    Have a box of the current AVX collecting dust in the basement. With my current supply and a shortened season, I may just wait until next season when the next generation Pro-V's come out.
  10. I have been using ProV1X than ProV1 because I like farther distance. when I played with ProV1, I felt it did not fly as i desired.
    Never used AVX.
  11. TT Member

    TT Member
    Hertfordshire, UK

    V1x is the shortest of the 3 in the test above, surprising.

    I've used all 3 and AVX is the longest and lowest flying.
  12. KCGolfGuy

    Greenwood, MO

    Anyone compared the new AVX to the old one?
  13. KCGolfGuy

    Greenwood, MO

    Anyone compared the new AVX to the old one?
  14. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    KCGolfGuy said:

    Anyone compared the new AVX to the old one?

    Now that I've played 2 rounds switching between the 2, I will need a controlled session with a Trackman to find a difference. The original AVX worked well for how it was promoted, and the new one doesn't disappoint. Other than the 2017 Pro-V1, I've always felt the new releases are evolutionary but not game changing. I won't be donating my old version AVX's and will be buy the new version to replenish.
  15. Excellent comparison graphic you provided. It makes perfect sense to me. I became an avid ProV1 player from the day they came on the scene, probably about 20 years ago. I find some of the old 392s that I have sitting around and remember how we were just floored at these balls when they were introduced, and it was right around the time when I truly started to take this game to heart. I only deviated from the V1s to play the V1x when they were introduced, and immediately switched to them because they really fit my game. I tried some of the other brands when they came out with the optic yellow, because can focus better on the ball with color, but I always returned to the V1x. I love the way they feel off the driver, and the absolutely consistent flight, and their trajectory with each club in the bag. By far, it is the best ball for approach shots that just to stop on the green like no other ball. Around the green, I’m yet to find another ball that gives me the confidence that they do. I can get that ball to consistently do that beautiful hop, hop, stop, with the low pitches and the shorter pitch/chip shots where the ball hits the brakes and rolls out ever so gently. I jumped to the AVX when it came out, especially when I found they made it optic yellow. I played it consistently for a couple years, but then got back to the V1x when they introduced the yellow version. But I still play the AVX on windy days and for colder days. They seem to move through the air much better when it’s windy compared to the V1x, and they feel a little kinder on the body when it’s cold. All in all, these are fabulous products. Thank you Titleist for the optic yellow options. I cherish these things. Please, please, please don’t make any drastic changes to them, I’m sold for life.
  16. AllStarBlue23


    I’ve always enjoyed playing the Pro V1. I bought some AVX balls and can’t wait to try them out on the actual course, hopefully soon!! I hit the ball very high so I’m thinking the AVX might be a better ball for me!
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