Titleist Events in Arizona

Follow Thread

By Fav. O

  • 3 Replies
  1. Fav. O

    Fav. O

    Hello everyone,

    I'm not sure if this is the right category to post this, but are there any upcoming Titleist events in AZ? Being a high schooler, I can't really travel out of state just like that, unless I happen to have a tournament in that area at the same time.

    If not, is there a ball plant I could possibly visit?

    Thank you!

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    We had a big event in Scottsdale in 2023. There is no local “same day” event right now but maybe in the future. The Ball Plant is in Massachusetts and that’s the only place with a tour. Always keep an eye out on the Events link for future outings in Arizona.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Titleist allows tours at Ball Plant 3 where the Pro- V lines are made. Ball plant 2 is the source of all the rest of Titleist balls that are made domestically. Both are in the New Bedford, MA area. TM, Callie, and Bridgestone are also located in the general area of the East Coast. The other brands are generally contracted through contract suppliers in the Orient.
    Not aware of any regular events in AZ at this time.
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Team Titleist events are listed above under the EVENTS link throughout the year. Check them often to see if something is available in your area or near you that might fit your schedule.

    Here is a list of Titleist Balls plants, which are in the NE. You can schedule a tour by calling and reserving your date and time. Maybe some of our members who have attended can provided more detailed information.

    Golf Balls
    Titleist Corporate Headquarters
    Worldwide Distribution Center

    333 Bridge St. Fairhaven, MA 02719

    Tel: 1-800-225-8500
    Ball Plant 2
    Acushnet Company

    256 Samuel Barnett Blvd North Dartmouth, MA 02747

    Tel: 1-800-225-8500
    Ball Plant 3
    Acushnet Company

    215 Duchaine Boulevard New Bedford, MA 02745

    Tel: 1-800-225-8500

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