
Follow Thread

By Darren B

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  • 7 Replies
  1. I have finally scored some practice round tickets to the Masters this year. Does anyone know if you can take a GoPro in to use to take pictures? Also, any other tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  2. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    It's been a few years since I was there, but I took in my Nikon DSLR. They really frown on cell phones but I think a camera is ok.
  3. Cris M

    Cris M
    Tyrone, GA

    Have never witnessed anyone getting stopped at the gate for a GoPro, but have seen them be quite adamant about the no running and no laying down rules so I have my doubts.
  4. I have been fortunate to attend as well as play the course...(long story!)

    As far as tips, here are a few:

    1. keep in mind the course all slopes towards the 12th green and some inclines are steep so do your walking to the back nine early in the day....

    2. The sandwiches located around the course are awesome and not expensive. Try one!

    3. The area between the 1st green, 9th tee and 8th green and 2nd fairway provides a lot of viewing .... consider trying this spot out if you do not have a chair. If you have a chair the 8th tee is a great viewing spot, as well as the 16th green....IMHO

    4. Check out the grounds near the clubhouse and in particular the putting green there....very cool.

    5. the merchandise is king on site so you will want to get some items for yourself as well as holiday gifts ! People will go nuts when they open their presents!

    Enjoy! Have a great time!!
  5. Dino S

    Dino S

    Chris92009 said:

    I have been fortunate to attend as well as play the course...(long story!)

    As far as tips, here are a few:

    1. keep in mind the course all slopes towards the 12th green and some inclines are steep so do your walking to the back nine early in the day....

    2. The sandwiches located around the course are awesome and not expensive. Try one!

    3. The area between the 1st green, 9th tee and 8th green and 2nd fairway provides a lot of viewing .... consider trying this spot out if you do not have a chair. If you have a chair the 8th tee is a great viewing spot, as well as the 16th green....IMHO

    4. Check out the grounds near the clubhouse and in particular the putting green there....very cool.

    5. the merchandise is king on site so you will want to get some items for yourself as well as holiday gifts ! People will go nuts when they open their presents!

    Enjoy! Have a great time!!

    Chris - We need to get a round in again and I want to hear the long story about playing ANGC!
  6. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    You should be fine according to their dos and don'ts:

    Cell phones, Cameras and Electronic Devices

    Cell phones, beepers and other electronic devices are strictly prohibited on the grounds at all times. Cameras are strictly prohibited on Tournament days (Thursday - Sunday) but allowed on practice rounds days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday).

    Devices such as fitness trackers and electronic watches are permitted but the use of such devices for phone calls, emails, text messaging and photo, video and data recording or transmission is prohibited.

    Anyone violating this policy will be subject to removal from the grounds and the permanent loss of credentials (tickets).

    Prohibited Items

    Cell Phones
    Bags, Backpacks, Purses, Packages larger than 10"W x 10"H x 12"D
    Beepers/Electronic Devices
    *** Cameras (Cameras are allowed ONLY on Practice Rounds days - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
    Weapons of any kind (regardless of permit)
    Alcoholic beverages
    Beverage containers/Coolers
    Golf shoes with metal spikes
    Flags / Banners / Signs
    Chairs / seats with pointed ends. Folding armchairs/Rigid type chairs or stools. If you bring a chair, make sure it's a collapsible one without armrests.
    Ladders / Periscopes / Selfie Sticks
    Radios / TVs / Tape Recorders
  7. Joseph E

    Joseph E

    I took my camera for practice rounds without issue... got some great photos! I don't see why you couldn't use your Go-Pro.
  8. Peter H

    Peter H
    Vancouver, BC

    Enjoy the Masters, August National is a wonderful place.

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