TT San Diego Area Golf Day - March 15, 2024

Follow Thread

By Dale V

  • 33 Replies
  1. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    You may have seen our previous “save the date” post. Details are now available and spots open. We have many returning players from past years so these remaining spots will not stay open very long. Here are the details:

    Friday, March 15, 2024 Arrowood Golf Course - Oceanside CA First group starts at noon - Earlier Titleist experience possible Unique Pairings - Three TT members and one Titleist Staffer (Come get to know the staff) $90 - Includes cart and range balls

    Reserve your spot by sending an email to:

    You will be notified if a spot is still available or if you are on the wait list. Details on how and when payment will be made is still being worked between the golf course and Titleist.

  2. Peter H

    Peter H
    Vancouver, BC

    Thanks for organizing Dale.

    Looking forward to it!
  3. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    Dale- Thanks again for all your efforts!
    Looking forward to the day!

    Dr. K
  4. James Young

    James Young
    Costa Mesa, CA

    Dale - email sent.
    Thanks for organizing the event!!
  5. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Getting ready to get a plane ticket. Any interest in adding a play date on Thursday and/or Saturday?
  6. Michael C

    Michael C
    Grand Rapids, MI

    I really liked the new prototype ball they sent me to try out. It was pretty much like my AVX except I thought it was a little softer and had better spin with my mid and short irons. Hope they send me a dozen!!
  7. Michael C

    Michael C
    Grand Rapids, MI

    And I couldn’t send in my evaluation of the ball from the letter that came with the test balls
  8. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Not sure what these replies have to do with our event? Maybe posted in the wrong spot?
  9. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    Let's Connect closer to the date.
    I could possibly host some players out at my club on Thursday.
    Rate would be around $120. If there is interest I can secure a few spots.

    Dr. K
  10. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    . Will be in town on Thursday.

    Need to try to remember how to use real turf. Currently have about 2 feet of white stuff hiding the ground.

    Also have Facebook and the TT facebook group to DM
  11. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    I'll be there as well on Thursday, let me know if you're able to set this up!
  12. Jared L

    Jared L
    La Jolla, CA

    Dr. K,

    I would be up to join you guys on Thursday if you have room.

  13. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I am sure some will. I am driving out there Wednesday but probably not playing Thursday. I have to head back Saturday morning as we fly to Rome Monday for a 10-day cruise.
  14. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Dale V said:

    I am sure some will. I am driving out there Wednesday but probably not playing Thursday. I have to head back Saturday morning as we fly to Rome Monday for a 10-day cruise.

    How do you sign up for the trip to Rome? Just kidding. You guys have fun. Heading to Spain, Portugal and Morocco early July and really looking forward to it. Need some R&R. Having been stymied regarding trips over the past two years.
  15. Peter H

    Peter H
    Vancouver, BC

    I could play either day.
  16. Figs

    Carlsbad, CA

    If anyone drops, could you please let me know? I'm logging on to my account to discover that I missed a spot. I sent an email just in case.
  17. Justin Helton

    Justin Helton
    Newnan, Georgia

    Just sent an email. Hoping to grab a spot. Never been to Oceanside/San Diego!
  18. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    We are currently full and have half dozen on the wait list so no need to send anymore emails. Sorry to those who were unable to get into this year's event. Hopefully you will be able to capture a spot next year. Thanks for your interest and hopefully you find an opportunity to play in one of the many events throughout the year.
  19. 19hole

    Reading, MA

    I would be interested in the tech that is taking you back to 2014!
  20. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    The DeLorean will be parked by the first tee.
  21. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Logging in today and went past the events page. Noticed the event is now "The Dale". Just so long as we don't have to go back in time and rename it "The Dale Memorial" event. If the Delorean can hold a set of clubs, I wouldn't mind going back to 2014 and getting 30+ more yards.
  22. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Yep, my good friends at Titleist were able to update my typo on the date. They are watching out for my early dementia shortfalls. I am really feeling old as yesterday was Arizona's birthday. The state was 46 when I was born and now at 65 I realize I am older than the state was when I was born. Geez!
  23. I am unfortunately going to miss this one (been many over recent years) due to my son getting engaged in oldest son gets married this month in NYC so it will be a busy 2024 for the Bidwell Family!

    Have fun everyone, I will be thinking of you!!

    I DO plan on being at other TT events this year one of them including the TT Australia event later this year.

  24. ILGolfGuy

    Central Illinois

    Wish we could make it out Dale, have a great event!!
  25. Sounds like fun to me. I hope I can attend
  26. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Appreciate all the interest in our event. We have been full up for quite a while now and a few on the wait list. My apologies for those of you who did not get into this year's outing and hopefully you respond quickly next year and get in the event. We always have a great time. Don't get discouraged and hopefully you find an event opening somewhere. There's nothing better than a day of golf with other TT members.
  27. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL


    Have a great time. Sounds like it will be a fantastic day. Hopefully I will be able to join next year.
  28. Military
    Sounds like this will be a great event. While I won't be able to make this one I am looking forward to participating in the next one in April in Orange County CA. Play well and I can't wait to meet new TT members in OC!
  29. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Think Wade might have some openings at the Dormie Club in NC. Can check on that event the end of May. Close to Pinehurst. Have not been but had nothing but outstanding reviews about his Dormie Clubs events. I sent in my down payment today. Hoping to get in. Have fun Dale. =(
  30. Figs

    Carlsbad, CA

    Looking forward my first Titleist event. Played the course today. A little difficult judging approach shots with the wind but it was in great condition. I'll see everyone on Friday!
  31. ILGolfGuy

    Central Illinois

    Have a great event today!!!
  32. Peter H

    Peter H
    Vancouver, BC

    Dale, Thanks for organizing an awesome event today! It was great meeting & playing with Team Titleist members & staff! Also thank you to Lisa from Titleist for their support! Cheers
  33. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Appreciate you, the locals, and other out-of-towners that are willing to travel from afar to support our event. Great seeing you and glad to hear you had a good time.
  34. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    Peter was a blast to play with... I wish I was consistently straight as he is!! Now I have to get to Vancouver with my clubs too!

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