By Adam E

  • 7 Replies
  1. I'm sure someone has gone thru this, I seem to be around the end of this but it creeps once maybe twice a round. Has anyone had this issue and how did you get rid of the yips?

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I had it bad a few years ago on my chipping. Much better now but signs occasionally creep in. I had a friend with putting yips and the only way he was able to get over them was to putt left handed. Plays everything else right handed. Looks a lot better to me than the long putter or saw grip.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Watch Tin Cup.

    Seriously, mostly mental.
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Don O said:

    Watch Tin Cup.

    Seriously, mostly mental.

    Cup was a fabricated train wreck for entertainment purposes. He had the shanks.

    According to the Mayo Clinic. The yips are involuntary wrist spasms that occur most commonly when golfers are trying to putt. However, the yips also can affect people who play other sports — such as cricket, darts and baseball.

    It was once thought that the yips were always associated with performance anxiety. However, it now appears that some people have the yips due to a neurological condition affecting specific muscles. This condition is known as focal dystonia, a neurological condition that affects a muscle or group of muscles in a specific part of the body during specific activities, causing involuntary muscular contractions (spasms) and abnormal postures.

    Changing the way you perform the affected task might help you find relief from the yips. For example, a right-handed golfer might try putting left-handed.

    Symptoms - The most common symptom associated with the yips is an involuntary muscle jerk, although some people experience tremors, twitches, spasms or freezing.

    Causes - In some people, the yips are a type of focal dystonia, a condition that causes involuntary muscle contractions during a specific task. It's most likely related to overuse of a certain set of muscles, similar to writer's cramp. Anxiety worsens the effect.

    Some athletes become so anxious and self-focused — overthinking to the point of distraction — that their ability to perform a skill, such as putting, is impaired. "Choking" is an extreme form of performance anxiety that may have a harmful effect on a golfer's or any athlete's game.

    I had the yips years ago when the VA changed one of my medications for my neurological issues, a result of my military disability. It caused tremors which caused me to have the yips when I putted or did anything using my right hand. Could not even write my name and restricted use of my right hand for about six months. They changed the meds and the tremors and yips stopped. Have not had them since then. That was caused by medication.

  5. Hi Adam:

    Usually, the y word is associated with putting but can be chipping or even full swing every now and then. Seems like the best remedy is practice and controlling breathing. If putting, practice putts from two feet until you make 5 in a row from all sides of the hole. Then go to 3 feet and 4 feet. This will help give some confidence around the hole. If chipping, throw a bunch of balls down and practice until you get most within 3 feet. If you have trouble pulling the trigger on full swings, try some waggles to relieve tension.
    Breathing is also important as a relaxation technique, and remember, unless you are playing for a living, missing a putt is not the end of the world.
    Slow down, relax and enjoy.
  6. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    Adam, I am right in there with you. I will miss a 1 1/2 foot periodically during a round. Very embarrassing, very frustrating. I realize I should take a little more time than just walking up to the putt without any focus. My practice putting usually consists of 3-5 ft putts. I plan to practice on 2 ft putts which Erich suggested.
  7. EddietheKarp


    Oh, Adam, I certainly can empathize with your struggles. I’ve seen a lot of symptoms of the yips over the years, and, unfortunately, there is no easy answer. Assuming you’re looking at the putting version, the best thing to do is to practice short, straight putts to begin with. See the ball going into the hole over and over again. A chalk line can really help, as well as three component alignment aids like on Titleist’s enhanced alignment offerings. Most of it is mental, so as bad as it can sound, accepting no one cares about the outcome of your putt except you has helped some students in the past. Best of luck and hopefully you won’t struggle with this for long!
  8. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    I find that sticking with a routine will help. For me, the worst thing I can do when the "yips" pop up is to try something different and hope to correct what's causing it.

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