Chicago TT meet up Aug 4th

Follow Thread

By kyle k

  • 6 Replies
  1. Good afternoon,

    Curious what the Chicago August 4th meet up consists of? Is this a golf event of just a meet and greet? Thanks for any feedback.


  2. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I didn't see the Chicago event listed.
  3. Military
    I can't figure out where it is listed. can someone direct me to the right page to see this
  4. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Having been there the last 2 years, go ahead and put a hold on that date. It is a round of golf and a Titleist rep will be covering some aspect of the product line. Without any knowledge about the event, there may be a chance to demo the new irons. Once the details are final, the event will move from rumor to posted. When it is an official event, there will be a swag bag but the contents won’t be revealed until arriving.
  5. Kyle J

    Kyle J
    Brookfield, WI

    That was an event held last season. You're seeing the listing under "Past Events".

    To answer your question, it consisted of a Titleist Ball Fitting Experience and 18 holes of stroke play at Thunderhawk Golf Club with other TT loyalists. I thought it was organized very well and nicely attended. I'm looking forward to a TT Meetup in the area again this season.
  6. Fred L

    Fred L

    Believe you are looking at the past events?
  7. Won’t this be the third time for the official/unofficial Chicago TT event?

    I missed the last two Chicago events but hoping to make this year if there is one.

    If anyone has details, please share.

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