Titleist Loyalty Incentives

Follow Thread

By Ryan L

  • 10 Replies
  1. Ryan L

    Ryan L
    Auburn, IN

    If there is another similar thread, please share...

    I'll preface with the fact I LOVE and FULLY SUPPORT all that Titleist golf stands for.

    Have been TT for over a decade and moved to an exclusively Titleist bag about 6-7 years. Due to having a son who also played in middle and high school (with changing club need with growth) and tinkering with my game, I have bought 5 sets of irons, several drivers, fairway woods and a few Scotty Camerons since about 2018 and I am wondering....While being part of TT is fantastic with content and a few nice perks here and there, including ball testing, I'm wondering how there isn't some type of incentive or reward for loyal customers? New T150/T200 combo set last summer and need to replace my 915 Driver. After fitting this week and recommended upgrade shaft, I'll be at 850 + tax. All of that to ask, what do others think or is there something available that I'm not aware of? Would also love a formal response from Team Titleist leadership. Many thanks! Ryan L from Auburn, IN

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    There is, but it's not just given out for buying clubs. There are tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people who buy every new driver that comes out and replace their clubs with every cycle. Titleist does a good job of rewarding those who actively participate in TT events and online in the virtual community.

    If you are looking for discounts, I would suggest building a relationship with your local golf shop, as they are the ones to ultimately decide your purchase price. I know there are often discounts offered to frequent customers at many of the stores in my area.

    Titleist does a very good job with the engagement of the TT community and reward people who do more than just spend money, which is more important IMO.
  3. This right here for sure!

    Generally if you do buy from big stores like Golf Galaxy or PGA superstore then you earn reward points that translate into cash. I'm not promoting either of these but they do have their own programs
  4. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Nope, we gotta keep buying it so they can hand the clubs over to social media stars
  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Having been a long time member of TT and a major contributor to the forum I have seen a number of incentives. First I was not seeking incentives, swag, freebees when I joined TT, those are things I get thru my Credit Cards, by going to events and places where I shop.

    The opportunities: to purchase special releases of TT merchandise, to attend select events nationwide as well as the annual TT invitational and premiere golf courses, the opportunity to connect the fellow loyalists from all over the world on the forum and at the events, the opportunities to test golf balls, the instruction videos, and for some the opportunity to test products. I think even though there are no monetary rewards or discounts, our incentives more that outweigh those so call discounts. I do not want to belong to a discount golf company. Just sayin' with respect.
  6. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Your loyalty is exceptional, make no mistake about it.
    There are many on this site that have upgraded equipment with every release. That’s about the same amount of equipment. They get the same deal.

    You have a couple of avenues to try. If your son is exceptional, you and/or his coach can contact Titleist for some level of sponsorship. The other choice is to deal with a pro shop to get fitted and purchase exclusively through that shop. They have the option to offer pricing incentives. Retailers are required to sell at the manufacturer’s suggested retail price. Most courses that offer a membership usually have a discount that may vary for balls, equipment, and apparel.

    Titleist is strongly supportive of their dealer network. When you buy direct through the internet site, everything is full MSRP. TT is supported to make game education and programs available to followers. Not just to merchandise equipment.
  7. BHershman

    Palm Beaches

    The reward is being able to play the best clubs in the game. If you want swag, go to an event, there's plenty of great stuff, and great relationships to forge.

    I've bought 10 BMWs in the past 20 years, overall cost is significantly higher than golf clubs, I've never received anything from them except for sheer driving enjoyment. That's the way it is.
  8. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL


    BHershman said:

    The reward is being able to play the best clubs in the game. If you want swag, go to an event, there's plenty of great stuff, and great relationships to forge.

    I've bought 10 BMWs in the past 20 years, overall cost is significantly higher than golf clubs, I've never received anything from them except for sheer driving enjoyment. That's the way it is.

    My father still says, "fun costs money!"....
  9. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    Golf isn't cheap, and even though equipment is slammed together on an assembly line, we have advertising/ marketing costs to cover. Sad part is those new irons are maybe worth 400-500 re-sale as soon as you hit them, but that'll offset the pain a little. My truck lost 20-30k in value in 6 months, almost the same with the BMW. The cost of doing business. My girl has horses, so as long as my habit costs less than hers, I'm good!
  10. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Edward K said:

    Golf isn't cheap, and even though equipment is slammed together on an assembly line, we have advertising/ marketing costs to cover. Sad part is those new irons are maybe worth 400-500 re-sale as soon as you hit them, but that'll offset the pain a little. My truck lost 20-30k in value in 6 months, almost the same with the BMW. The cost of doing business. My girl has horses, so as long as my habit costs less than hers, I'm good!

    I am with you Edward, My wife loves sparkly jewelry, diamonds, and art, the original kind. Heck my golf habit is a drop in the bucket. We have a separate insurance policy for her habits. We have been married close to 48 years, married this one to keep her.
  11. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    My incentive is that it is the best equipment for my game. I would be updating every cycle no matter what, so I might as well do it with the best company.

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