TGL Indoor Golf League - Opinions?

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By Chris92009

  • 65 Replies
  1. I watched the TGL ESPN broadcast the other night and it seemed interesting....definitely a new concept and could be good for the game.

    What does everyone think of it thus far??


  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I was a bit surprised at how bad their chipping was. You would think they would have adjusted to that plastic turf better. I might watch it occasionally but it seemed a bit boring to me. I would rather be playing than watching.
  3. Sean M

    Sean M
    Liberty, MO

    I’ve watched it every week. It’s an interesting concept but I’ll be curious if it has long term viewers. Dale, it’s not just around the green that has surprised me, they have hit some irons from the “fairway” that definitely didn’t react the way the player thought it should. They KNOW how far they hit every club and whether they hit a draw or fade. They have been surprised a couple of times.
  4. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    I watched some of the last two matches. Like Dale, I thought it was ok, but not something I would go out of my way to watch. Some of the interactions were fun but overall I felt that I was watching a group of guys just hanging out playing on the simulator in the garage. Think I'll catch a couple more before I make a final decision though.
  5. ha ha I agree
  6. I have no intention of watching simulated golf, as it is not nearly the same as playing a real round. The only takeaway I heard that I like is the shot clock.
  7. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Its fun to check out and see the players having some fun. I like seeing the data of each shot, that is fun and informative. I dont see it replacing the real golf tournament experience, but its a fun way to put golf in the spotlight. If i'm able to watch, ill turn it on but I wont be scheduling my life around it.
  8. Tommy H

    Tommy H
    Northern VA

    I've tried to watch it twice, it's just not for me. It doesn't hold my interest, and it looks like something that I would have fun doing, but not watching. Simulator golf is not for an audience IMO.
  9. This week was better than the first few. I don't think it will last. It does look fun to play however! The short game is not great they struggle in the bunkers and chipping however, I do like how the green can change on the hydraulic lifts.
  10. JYoung


    I've watched every week. Having hit on a Sim for my lessons and played many rounds on a Sim since, I like TGL. It's funny that they have some of the same issues with distances that I have hitting into a screen. Makes me feel better. Haha
  11. It seems like the reaction is mixed among guys at my golf club so far. Many said that this past week was more interesting than prior ones since the match was close.

  12. John W

    John W
    West Linn, OR

    I watch the PGA Tour, the European Tour, the Korn Ferry Tour, and the LPGA Tour. No LIV and no simulator golf for me. Only the real thing.
  13. I did not watch first week, watched the 2nd week, and was getting into it, then Billy Horschel was interviewed with his team up 2-0 in the Match and he goes the Producers told me to keep the match close. I turned it off and won't watch again. I was already bagging on the concept, but that was the deal breaker for me. I prefer watching the regular Tournaments, with the snow on the ground... Did hit the Simulator today so that was fun.
  14. Brandon L

    Brandon L
    Tea, SD

    I don't mind watching it, primarily because when I turn a TV on, it's straight to sports. It's a decent game to watch in the interim. It's definitely no the same as the real thing and it's a bit goofy, but I'll watch it if there aren't other sports on.
  15. GStuart

    Blackfoot, ID

    Personally, I love it. It may be because I’m stuck in Idaho with sub 0 temps and snow on the ground. I’m watching anything golf related right now. It’s fine to see a lighter side of these guys where there isn’t a ton of money on the line or a tour card on the line. I think it will only get better, it would be fun to see them have to bring in an amateur for an alternate shot every once in a while.

    It’s not serious, I don’t know why people are over analyzing it, it’s just for entertainment and simulators are not perfect, now more obvious than ever!
  16. Cris M

    Cris M
    Tyrone, GA

    I like it for what it is...entertainment. The "golf" isn't great, but it is fun seeing them be more relaxed and take shots at each other. It is the first season, so I am sure they will be better next year. I do think it is odd that they are doing while the season is kicking off. Seems to me they would be better served to be mid week between the Tour Championship and the Sentry.
  17. Military
    I have watched a little of each event but turned it off after about 15 minutes as it just did not hold my interest.

    I do like the shot clock feature and wish they would use it on the PGA tour
  18. Tyler_S

    Cypress, TX

    I've watched when I can. It's entertaining but not golf. More like an arcade version of golf. The holes they play are interesting to see as it ties into the green complex.

    Fun to watch nonetheless.
  19. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    I only live about 45 minutes north of the SoFi Arena where they play and thought about going, but at $160.00 a ticket, I'd rather spend it on the real thing. The problem with their pitch and bunker shots is that the greens are rock hard, and the ball doesn't check up well on plastic turf.
  20. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    I found it to be interesting for the entertainment it is. The concept is unique with the hammer throwing and being done with a simulator.

    But once again it's supposed to be entertaining and somewhat of a competition. If I am not busy, I might catch it again sometime.

  21. I watched the first contest, really had no desire to watch another. Just not that captivating to me.
  22. BHershman

    Palm Beaches

    I've been watching, and I like it. It's a nice distraction from normal. I am also nearby, so I'll get tickets in the coming weeks to go see it live.
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