TPI experience

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By Jacob M

  • 4 Replies
  1. How do I book an in person TPI experience? I know you can do assessments online which I did. But I want to pay and go there and use the force plates and data etc and have them help diagnose my swing characteristics and what to work on. Is that available to the public?

  2. I have been wondering this exact same thing. Between NLU and Chasing Scratch, the experience looks awesome!
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Not sure how to schedule TPI Oceanside. You can try contacting the folks for Ball Plant 3. They should be able to direct you. TPI probably has limited spaces.
    Alternatively you can go to TPI - My TPI and analyze the TPI instructors in your area. Not sure if you need a Power and/or Golf level 2 or 3 instructor. One advantage is f/u sessions. If you aren’t in the SD county area, that would be a one and done session.
    He isn’t TPI certified but is a Premier Titleist fitter and has the TM space suits for foot pressure, etc. Only 3 miles from me.
    Myself, having fallen on ice recently, will be seeing a Medical 3 instructor once I heal all the ribs broken.
  4. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    I have researched this and found that they don't offer the Dr. Rose experience to everyone. They used to a few years ago, but with the popularity that it has experienced I think they have scaled back. Now they direct you to look for your local TPI professional to get your screening. Just my 2 cents.
  5. JDobkin

    Los Angeles

    There should be a section under the fitting page on this website. There is an email contact for inquiries. You can pick a full bag or specialized fitting for wedges, irons etc…

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