First trip to scotty cameron

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By Thomas C

  • 6 Replies
  1. Just returned from california for my first time. I couldnted help but go to scotty cameron. It was an amazing experience. You really meet cool people in line. I recommend the trip to all. Anyone have any cool stories about going to the store.

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  2. BHershman

    Palm Beaches

    Nice, I am trying to plan a trip for next winter and that is definitely on the list.
  3. Great spot! Every time I visit I run into long time friends! Great social spot…
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  4. Dino S

    Dino S

    Looking forward to make my maiden voyage to the Scotty Studio in Encinitas at the end of the month while I'm in town for a Team Titleist event. Can't wait to see what it's all about. Anything I must do while I'm there?
  5. BHershman

    Palm Beaches

    I am doing the same, going to the Gallery on the 25th. Which event are you going to?
  6. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    Getting to go to the Scotty Cameron Gallery in Encinitas is well worth the effort for a Scotty fan.

    if you are hungry while visiting the gallery go to the Encinitas Fish shop. Fresh fish everyday. The fish shop is across the street and a half a block south of Scotty.

    If you have time try to play Goat Hill Park in Oceanside. A great vibe and a lot of fun to play.
  7. Nick P

    Nick P
    Louisville, KY

    Goat Hill is so much fun!

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