By Martin H

  • 10 Replies
  1. Martin H

    Martin H
    Wokingham, Berkshire

    As you can see from the picture I'm a massive Scotty Cameron Napa fan, I've got one more on the way and always on the look out for old Napas in really poor condition that I can send away and get restored. If you've never had a go with one and are a reasonably competent putter then you owe it to yourself to give one a go!

    Post Image
  2. Speedy

    East Coast, NH

    Martin, i'm insanely jealous of your collection.. WOW! I only have one at the moment but always keeping my eye out for a few more.. Thanks for sharing and would love to Scotty start making them again...

    IMO, the most gorgeous putter out there...
  3. Martin, do you have the ICC Napa? I did not see a picture of that one...very cool and could be one of the prize napa's of all time...IMHO
  4. harry h

    harry h
    Lasvegas, NV

    Yes yes on putters so wow. Where do you send your putters to be redone if I may ask thanks Harry (wow on putters)!
  5. Martin, any one a favorite of yours? And...what is your gamer?


  6. Greg M

    Greg M
    Kingsport, TN

    I need a left hand to compliment my new T MB irons! LH are VERY expensive and hard to find. I've had the Titleist rep looking for 2-3 years. Oh well, maybe someday!
  7. BR

    Dundalk, Louth

    Love the napa beautiful
  8. Martin H

    Martin H
    Wokingham, Berkshire

    Thanks for your kind comments, Chris92009 the ICC is a great looking Napa and one day I hope to own one but as only 50 were made they don't come up for sale very often and when they do they're very pricy. I tend to send my putters into the custom shop in the US, it's not cheap when you take shipping and tax into account but their work is first class.
    I actually game 6 of them and the only ones I don't are one of the Napa California's which is still brand new GIP(with Grip in plastic) and the original 3 x black which I think has possibly never been used. The rest are regular games although the ACVII is used more in the winter due to it's durable finish but my favourite is the black tour napa (third from the right in the pic) with the tiffany paintfill.
    Scotty Cameron last made a Napa in 2009, which was the Napa California and unfortunately I don't think he'll make another - just hope I'm wrong!
  9. Martin, Congrats again! Great looking collection!!

  10. Nice Job Martin !!
  11. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    Great collection of Napa's!
    I know someone that has some incredible Napa's including Handmades.

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