Masters ticket lottery

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By Don O

  • 39 Replies
  1. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Time to register for the 2025 Masters. Feels a little futile, but unlike the Powerball drawings, I don’t have to pay to lose, ….again Hope springs eternal.

  2. Good day, I didn't know I could find such valuable information on the internet thank you for your help.
  3. Just applied - 5th year in a row without any luck - lets hope this is the year!
  4. Jon T

    Jon T
    Iowa City / Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    I sent mine in yesterday - thanks for the reminder!
  5. JYoung


    I entered again on the first day you could. Love to go but fully expecting the politely worded email in July that I wasn't picked.
  6. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    Here's to another rejection email ;)
  7. Brian S

    Brian S
    Peoria, IL

    Ah well, at least we tried. I’m trying for the ladies amateur too. At least see the course!
  8. Dan S

    Dan S
    Westchester, IL

    Good Luck man.
  9. Even just the practice rounds would be an amazing experience....
  10. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    Why not...isn't the saying 14th time's a charm?
  11. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    You never know when itll be your day!
  12. I was selected for this year's tournament, 17th year was the charm!
  13. Tony B

    Tony B
    Warwick, Warwickshire

    I've entered to for the umpteenth time. If I get the usual email then I'm going anyway in 2025, flight booked. Planning on some golf in maybe Myrtle Beach and then head down to Tampa. I would go to Hilton Head but with the Heritage the week after it will be too busy I guess. Any recommendations to play at Myrtle? Never been there before.
  14. dan p

    dan p

    Barefoot Courses and Caledonia are solid picks.
  15. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    If you're in Myrtle, you must play Pine Lakes. It is a historic course and I believe it is where Sports Illustrated was "invented" while 3 guys were playing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the idea came up during their round? And you must get the clam chowder at the turn. Don't forget the sherry
  16. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Tony B said:

    I've entered to for the umpteenth time. If I get the usual email then I'm going anyway in 2025, flight booked. Planning on some golf in maybe Myrtle Beach and then head down to Tampa. I would go to Hilton Head but with the Heritage the week after it will be too busy I guess. Any recommendations to play at Myrtle? Never been there before.

    Playing golf along the coast of S Carolina in the months of June, July and August is not in your best interest, unless your can acquire early morning tee times. Our humidity plus the temperatures can make playing golf a dangerous heat index that get into the 100 plus areas most of the time. I live in Mt Pleasant, across the river from Charleston and we are very cautious regarding this time of the year and ensuring we stay properly hydrated with lots of water. A lot of people from out of the area and the south, are not accustomed to these types of conditions. It can be very dangerous in July. We do get a little breeze off the ocean, but does not help that much. Only in the evenings.
  17. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Keeping a positive vibe!!!
  18. Terry E

    Terry E
    Clinton Township, MI

    Well it's worth trying. Agree, even being able to go to the practice rounds would be great.
  19. I'm in for the first time. Likely similar odds to the Wimbledon lottery.
  20. It's not impossible! I won Tuesday Practice round tickets a few years ago and my buddy won Wednesday Practice round tickets (you get to go the par 3 contest with these too!) the same year so we go to go two days in a row. It was so great. Keep trying us normal people actually do win!
  21. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Made it in 2019. Hands down the best run professional tournament I've ever been to and I've been to 6 or 7. Unbelievable experience. I Spoke to several people there who hit the ticket lottery 2 or 3 times in 20 years. Don't know how they do it, but it's been done. To those who make it, bring some comfortable footwear because you'll be doing a ton of walking and a clean credit card or lots of cash, because when you go into the merchandise building, you'll want to spend, spend, spend!
  22. Mary Beth S.

    Mary Beth S.
    Lenexa, KS

    Giving it another try but I think I'll probably have better odds of winning at the tables in Vegas next month...
  23. jsh_golf


    I've entered into the Masters lottery drawing the last 18 years and haven't been selected yet. I hope 2025 will be different!
  24. Driveforshowputt4doe

    Saint james, NY

    24 years for me
  25. tony k

    tony k
    bradenton, FL

    It is so worthwhile I'd seriously consider a reputable third party ticket for any day. Augusta is not someplace you want to leave this earth missing.
  26. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Pretty sure Augusta Golf Club prohibits the resale of tickets. The lottery winner has to show credentials to get admitted. The consequence includes getting banned from future lotteries.
  27. ILGolfGuy

    Central Illinois

    Someday.... right? IS 2025 the year??
  28. Thanks for the reminder, I look forward to the disappointment.
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