Holey Moley

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  1. My friends and I walk onto the 3rd tee box on a cold March day, and are all discussing the shot and conditions. 115 yards, downhill, but against the wind. It was a pretty significant headwind, so my two playing partners both settled on gap wedges. I was stubborn and kept sand wedge in hand because it was a front pin.

    I was first off the tee, hit a great high shot that made the green about 5ft left and 10 feet past the hole. Its not really normal for my wedges to have much spin, but due to either the headwind, the slope, or the fact I happened to hit it well (maybe all three), the ball hit and pulled back towards the pin.

    The funny part is that because of the hill and the slope, there is a collection area short of the green where balls usually roll off the green to that you can’t see from the tee box. We all saw it going towards the hole and then no one saw it anymore, so we ALL assumed it just trundled off the green. When we got down to the green, my ball was nowhere to be found and sure enough, it had rolled right into the hole! Drinks all around!

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