First Hole in One.

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By Roger B

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  1. What a way to spend Memorial Day weekend. My foursome, made up of friends and family, played Hells Point in Virginia Beach like we normally do throughout the summer. As I shot my range (155) yards, I thought that I would end up about 10 yards shy of the pin. As I let if fly I new immediately that it would be close, I said, "it's right at it", and as it landed on the green my buddy said, "I think that juat went in, balls don't disappear". I dismissed it as the pin placement could have decieved us and I may have lied just beyond the pin. To my surprise, as we approached the green, my ball wasn't visible and I quickly went up to the pin to find that I landed about 6 inches from the flag stick and dropped in. Needless to say, that was the most enjoyable round of golf in 35 years.

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  2. Dino S

    Dino S


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