Short Game

Follow Thread

By andrew b

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  • 13 Replies
  1. Looking for tips to improve my chipping. I’m currently trying to figure out how to overcome the chipping yips. Any insight or tips, drills to practice would help me

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Spent some time with my teaching pro yesterday on this very subject. Recommend you do the same. Will be the best practice time you ever spent. Hard to help out without seeing your set up, stance and swing. Go see a PGA instructor.
  3. Beau B

    Beau B

    Parker McLachlin, aka the Short Game Chef, has plenty of good "recipes" YouTube for the short game for free

    His approach is to simplify the short game and have room for errors for us amateurs

    He is a Vokey guy!
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    BBarbera said:

    Parker McLachlin, aka the Short Game Chef, has plenty of good "recipes" YouTube for the short game for free

    His approach is to simplify the short game and have room for errors for us amateurs

    He is a Vokey guy!

    Those of us that attended the Team Titleist Invitational in Scottsdale were able to participate in a clinic that Parker did for us one afternoon. It was very informative and I and still using a few things he demonstrated for bunker play.
  5. CNelson

    Santa Barbara

    It’s like everything else in this game. Work on your weaknesses. Find a center and put in the time. I too also recommend a swing coach who can help you with drills.
  6. Here are a couple great drills..
    1) Start by brushing the turf like a putting stroke.
    2) Place the ball further back in your stance so you make contact with the ball first, not the turf.
    3) Take a less lofted club like a 9 iron, if you have no obstacle in line.
    4) Place a club or alignment stick in front of your ball when practicing and just try and chip it up and over 2 feet away.

    Best of luck with the yi.. I won’t even say it haha
  7. Rob_Roth1

    San Diego, CA

    Joe Mayo has a great short game series in his patreon that showcases why things do what they do in the short game.

    Highly recco and changed my game
  8. Eric N

    Eric N

    Give one-hand chilling some practice. Typically the trail hand but can do drills with either. It’s a good way to feel the club “dropping” on the ball versus hitting it.
  9. Hard to say. Are the yips just when playing a match or are they a constant problem? If it is just when under pressure, make your practice into a game and only use one ball to simulate having to make that one shot. Do this from as many areas around the green as you can. Track your results, how many within 3 feet.

    If you have the yips all the time, it may be your technique needs some work, plenty of videos to look at on fundamentals.
  10. Justin Helton

    Justin Helton
    Newnan, Georgia

    The Phil Mickelson video never disappoints in this category. Hinge wrist immediately in take back and keep your lead arm stiff through contact. Will take a little practice but you will start to realize your club face goes to the same place every time. When you can get to that point, then you just work on how hard to hit it based on how far you need it to carry.
  11. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    Brad Faxon explains it really well. The one thing I know is if you don't take the club head back at least above your knees. You will chunk your chip. Doesn't matter on how short or how far of a chip you have. The club head has to get above the knees at least to have a chance.

    But check out an area Pro for quality advice/lesson since they will be there to see what is truly going on.

    in the meantime, Brad Faxon Short game videos

    Good Luck

  12. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Lots of good suggestions. Besides all the tips I have worked to incorporate, there is one thing maybe I heard but forgot where it came from. If I start to look up to see the result, I will blade the ball. Speed should be the only variable in your swing. Easier to hit the back of the ball in the same spot using the same swing.
  13. JoeyD


    3 things: 1) make sure your hips move AWAY from the ball in the backswing AND the downswing. 2) make sure your center of mass moves UP in the backswing AND the downswing. 3) make sure your body moves TOWARDS the target in the downswing. All things great chippers do according to myTPI and Dr Rose.
  14. I have the same issue with chipping around the greens. Have been using the one hand swing to simulate feeling the club drop and how I want my body to feel rotating through the stroke which helped with control. This also helped as I was accelerating through the ball before which led to plenty of the thin edge!

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