
Follow Thread

By Tyler L

  • 0 Replies
  1. Hello everyone, Over the past 5 years I have ended up having 3 shoulder surgeries after a bad accident and my doctors finally said I could start playing again back in September. I find my flexibility in my left arm is seriously lacking after everything. I did not realize it at first I was so happy to be swinging again but I have found that going to the top of my backswing im now bending my left arm at the elbow to reach what used to be my natural height. I have to focus very hard on keeping my left arm straight. I am only able to get to about a 3/4 swing before this bend starts creeping in. I know not having played much at all over the past 5 years is not helping. I was hoping that you guys may have some kind of a tool or trick that you have used to help train/retrain that muscle memory. I am working with a coach and hitting the range at least 3 times a week as well as a personal trainer to try and get some of that flexibility back as well. Thank you for any ideas in advance!!

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