How often should you take lessons?

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By Jay El

  • 11 Replies
  1. Jay El

    Jay El

    If the goal is to make meaningful improvements from say a 7-10 handicap level, how often should middle aged golfers take lessons?

    The common wisdom is take lessons in the off-season or when one can’t self diagnose problems. However, I see juniors taking 3-4 lessons a month and they are much better than us already! When I used to play tennis I took a lesson or clinic 3-4 times a month…sometimes a lesson and a clinic each week. Yet here I am trying to get better at golf without lessons?!

    Any thoughts about taking regular lessons to get better and to maintain a certain level?

  2. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    I would get together with a PGA Teaching Professional and assess your situation.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    My thinking is very simple, Jay. How good do you want to play? Age has nothing to do with improving your game and I am assuming you were a rather good tennis player based on your comments.

    I quote you: "When I used to play tennis I took a lesson or clinic 3-4 times a month…sometimes a lesson and a clinic each week. Yet here I am trying to get better at golf without lessons?!" I believe you have the answer.

    I am 78 and when I am having issues, I go see my pro. Another pair of eyes can spot flaws very quickly. My pro and I try to play together once a week.

    Good luck.
  4. Nate M

    Nate M
    West Michigan

    I've never thought about it. However I have never had good luck with lessons. I've had 3 in my life (I'm 42).
  5. Depends on the golfer and what they are getting out of them. I am a 1hc, and last year I worked with my coach 1x/month. I always approach the sessions as an opportunity to practice properly with his eyes on me. So whether I am a mess and trying to get corrected, or I’m swinging it pretty well and just fine tuning, that hour with him is my time to practice together and pick his brain. Well worth the money (for me).
  6. Rob_Roth1

    San Diego, CA

    Jay El said:

    If the goal is to make meaningful improvements from say a 7-10 handicap level, how often should middle aged golfers take lessons?

    The common wisdom is take lessons in the off-season or when one can’t self diagnose problems. However, I see juniors taking 3-4 lessons a month and they are much better than us already! When I used to play tennis I took a lesson or clinic 3-4 times a month…sometimes a lesson and a clinic each week. Yet here I am trying to get better at golf without lessons?!

    Any thoughts about taking regular lessons to get better and to maintain a certain level?

    If money isn’t a concern, go for it! However, my suggestion is to take lessons once a month and then practice —ideally once a month or every couple of weeks—as juniors can never practice enough. It’s also essential to identify your faults, so using a camera to track your progress is a great idea.

    Additionally, if you can access a launch monitor, it can be incredibly helpful for tracking your improvement. Personally, as a former stack-and-tilt golfer with a path that was 8 to 10 degrees to the right, I relied on a launch monitor to monitor my progress effectively.
  7. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Totally agree with Rob. My best lessons were from a pro back in Texas. Although I had tons of stuff I was doing wrong, we would focus on one thing during a session and then I would spend several weeks correcting that issue before we would then move on to something else. I am far from textbook but it did help a lot.
  8. Last year i got serious about getting better and had 3 lessons. Driver, fulls swing irons and short game. But lessons are only as good as your willing to put the time into practice.
  9. It all depends on how much you want to improve. Me personally I take on every weekend.
  10. JYoung


    As others have said, lessons are a great idea, but you need to devote the time to practice what they teach you. I really enjoyed my lessons last winter/spring. Also, don't get discouraged if you find yourself getting worse at the game of golf while you are making changes. I had a short period of time when that happened to me.
  11. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    All good advice from the other guys, it comes down to two things, your ability to make a change and your desire to really get better. Took Tiger 18 months to adopt a major change after he started seeing Haney, and that's a guy that hit 500 balls a day. Some Tour players make a change, we never hear from them again. If you're in the 7-10 range, you can do once a month, and I'd get a few referrals for a coach. Not all were created equal.
  12. Justin Helton

    Justin Helton
    Newnan, Georgia

    My belief is that you should take a lesson every 3 weeks if you're really trying to improve. It gives you plenty of time to practice what you learned in the lesson and also play a couple rounds and then after 3 weeks, you come back and re-evaluate. Any good instructor should give you something to practice (within reason) to help you improve every 3 weeks. Whether that is take back, ball striking, follow through, etc.

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