Drive + 20 yards right

Follow Thread

By kenneth w

  • 9 Replies
  1. Close game is pretty decent but my drive is terrible. Set up is good, swing is smooth but still manage out to in and there she goes… any advice

  2. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    Low and slow. Sacrifice distance for accuracy.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Think most on here would advise you go see a PGA teaching pro at a local course in your area. It takes someone experienced to actually see your set up and swing, to advise you and make appropriate recommendations. It will be worth the visit. That is what I do when my game gets funky and have one on speed dial.
  4. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Hear you on that one. I have the same issue. Tired of trying to fix it myself and am going to get professional help.
  5. Scott P

    Scott P
    Smyrna, GA

    When I started playing a long time ago, I had an outside to in swing. I took a lesson and the pro stuck a shaft in the ground about 3-4 feet directly behind the ball. This, along with trying to keep my right arm/elbow close to my right side, I was able to correct the slice and it promoted an inside to out swing. Others may have different suggestions, but this really helped me.
  6. Cris M

    Cris M
    Tyrone, GA

    I was having the same problem. Saw myself on video and realized I was early extending. With my hips moving in, my arms had no choice but to avoid them which sent everything right. Can't say for sure that is your issue but my advice is to find a way to see your swing. If there is one thing I have learned in 40 years of golf, what you feel you are doing and what you are actually doing tend to not necessary match up. Just look at Justin Rose's drills where he exaggerates what he is trying to do versus what he really wants to do.
  7. The pro put that very same alignment stick behind me to encourage a in to out path. I was also baseball swinging my driver and never actually released the club, a couple drills taught me what that felt like.
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Have been in a funk lately. Saw my pro yesterday. We played together and were on the range warming up. He moved my shoulders on target and me closer to the ball, bingo. Ball do go straighter and farther. Took at two minutes. Point!!!!! Importance of a PGA instructor. No alignment sticks, just two trained eyes. Thanks, Tim.
  9. Everyone’s games is different so this will be a rather hard question to answer with seeing your swing and gathering data to analyze. This could be something as complicated as wrist position, face at impact, etc. Alternatively it could be something as simple as your tempo. If you don’t have the data, start with tempo and see how you shot shape changes. If you are an Apple user and have an Apple Watch ️, I’d personally recommend the App Golf Shot to provide some analytics at a marginal cost. Will even keep your stats during rounds so you can review post round.

    Best of luck.
  10. Justin Helton

    Justin Helton
    Newnan, Georgia

    This only occurs from bringing the club from outside, in. In most cases your first move in transition is over the top. Don't lead with your hands in transition and lead with your weight going to your lead foot. Try to get the feeling of leaving your lead shoulder "closed" as long as possible in your down swing.

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