Hybrid5 vs linkslegend

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By l

  • 1 Reply
  1. Hello, I am using a hynrid 5 I use mostly ride but I enjoy occasional walk on a course I never played. My question is on durability and function. Of a linkslegend. I like smaller profile hynrid 5 is great but walking with lots of irons wedges and 130g shafts that thing is heavy. Want a 3 way divider as well and smallest possible. Advice and pics with reference be great. Thanks Team Titleist

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    The information listed under the “Golf Bags” section of the website is very thorough. If you really want to make comparisons like I do, go to a retailer that carries a lot of bags. I usually go to PGA Superstore or 2nd Swing Scottsdale and get a hands on look and feel before making my final selection. I have both a LinksLegend and a Players 4 Carbon. The LinksLegend goes on trips where riding golf carts are used and the Carbon is my carry bag for walking golf.

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