New Tour Rope Hats

Follow Thread

By Scott P

  • 1 Reply
  1. I’ve got to say, I do not like the changes made to the Tour rope hats. Those hats have been my favorites for the last couple years and the new style is much smaller than the old models. They don’t fit nearly as well. I like the new materials just not the fit.

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    For every one that loved the flat bill style rope hats there is probably one that loves the new version. I have always liked the smaller, rounded hats so I have a couple of the newer rope hats. Hats like the Oceanside and the Boardwalk Rope are still available for that larger, flat brimmed style. Maybe you can still find some leftover old style on line and stock up. Change is inevitable.

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