push cart

Follow Thread

By Dan K

  • 15 Replies
  1. Happy New Year TT! Looking for a good push cart for my Titleist 14 cart bag. Something durable, easy to unfold/fold, easy to push. What are you all using? Thanks!

  2. Dave


    I use a Sun Mountain V1R 3 wheel with a Cart 15, it fits good and doesn’t twist in the cart. I looked at the new Sun Mountain Ridgeline cart and found the Cart 14 and Cart 15 bags didn’t fit on the bottom cart bracket as it is designed for the oval shape of the Sun Mountain cart bags.
  3. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    Clicgear 4.0. Front wheel doesn't swivel, but pretty solid push cart. Straps aren't the best but they work.
  4. They sell bungee type straps on their website that work way better than the rubber straps that come on the cart. Very easy to swap them out, too.
  5. Fred L

    Fred L

    Pushed for. a couple years but then purchased MGI Navigator AT electric remote cart! Best investment made! Like a walk in the park for the 18 holes... Good Luck
  6. We have a couple Clikgear carts. Really substantial construction. No issues in several years of use.
  7. Bag boy nitron hands down the best. Worth every single penny
  8. All,
    Thanks for the recommendations, appreciate it! Hit 'em seldom!
  9. Daniel Tramble

    Daniel Tramble

    Clicgear Model 4 is awesome! Second choice would be the Rovic (if walking and using a push cart)

    Happy new year!
  10. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

  11. All,
    Thanks for the recommendations, appreciate it! Hit 'em seldom!
  12. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    Clicgear 3.0. Mine is about 15 years old. Very durable. Love their customer service. Parts are readily available and reasonably priced, should something be needed.
  13. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    Clickgear 4.0. I purchased it during covid, but have never used it. It looks nice though.
  14. Dino S

    Dino S

    I HIGHLY recommend the ClicGear 8.0. 4-wheeled and makes going up/down hill a breeze. Can't go wrong.
  15. I use the Caddy-Tek with the front swivel wheel. I also have attached the Alphard V2 E-Wheels to the cart. Now I have a remote controlled powered push-cart. Much easier to get around the course. My weekly group, all seniors, walk the course. The addition of the powered push carts has helped our scores and our backs. It also helps speed up the play of golf. We average getting around 18 in about 4hours 20 minutes. If you are going to walk the course, consider a powered cart.
  16. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Clicgear 3.0. Used them for years. Very reliable and if you need service or parts, their departments are the best. Am now on Riding Carts 101 due to medical issues. Light as a feather and fits in car comfortably.

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