Players 5 Bag

Follow Thread

By Reed S

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  • 2 Replies
  1. Reed S

    Reed S
    Muskegon, Michigan

    Hi team Titleist. Just received my new T200 irons, SM 10 wedges and new TSR2 driver. Loving everything been a great change for me. Curious how everyone is organizing their players 5 bag For those who have them specifically with their clubs. I was more used to a players 4, but made the change this season. Thanks!

  2. Dino S

    Dino S

    I just picked up the Players 5 in Baltic/Cool Gray. Top section is woods, putter, alignment sticks, then next row 4,5,6 in one section and 7,8,9 in the other section. Bottom row pw and 50 in one section and 54 and 58 in the last section.
    Post Image
  3. TBonnett



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