Cart 15 bag - removable ball pocket?

Follow Thread

By cansell

  • 10 Replies
  1. Hi

    I’ve recently bought a new Cart 15 bag, but struggling to locate the ‘removable ball pocket for customisation’ (described as a Feature).

    Was hoping someone could provide guidance.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    The front lower pocket with dual zippers unzips all the way and can be removed. A word of caution, you should consider having Titleist do the embroidery work as they do not sell replacement pocket covers and if someone messes it up, you will be stuck with the results or have to get a completely new bag.
  3. Thanks for the reply.
  4. The ball pocket on my new Cart 15 bag does not zip 2-3” zipper not connected to anything. Ever here’s of this? Is there a secret to getting the pocket off ? Any guidance will be appreciated..
  5. Dale - sent earlier message - thought picas might help. Zipper pocket on Cart 15 won’t come off/won’t un=zip al the way. Hopefully these pics will help visualize the problem
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  6. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Strange. Can you undo the top zipper first? Both ends should pull away like a jacket zipper. It looks like the top zipper is blocking the bottom zipper at the overlap area. Might have to run it over to a golf shop for assistance just to make sure you are doing it right in case forcing it causes a worse problem. Hope you get it done.
  7. Mike M said:

    Dale - sent earlier message - thought picas might help. Zipper pocket on Cart 15 won’t come off/won’t un=zip al the way. Hopefully these pics will help visualize the problem
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    Mike M,

    Did you ever get the pocket cover off? I am searching the internet and no one seems to show how. A lot of opinion on whether you should or shouldn't, but nothing to show how the overlapping zippers work. They got it on there, it must come off. Lol

  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    If I recall correctly it cannot be sent in after purchase for custom embroidery work. All work has to be done at time of purchase, unless their policy has changed. The Titleist dealer I purchase my products thru said any customization has to go thru the Titleist Rep. I would be interested to see if they are doing it now.....
  9. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Correct Chuck. That's what I meant by not waiting and sending it somewhere else to be done. It must be ordered that way at the initial purchase of the bag. Small up-charge and a couple of weeks added to normal processing/shipping times. I have done the last two bags that way with the TT logo.
  10. Bill L

    Bill L
    Spring, TX

    Good tip Dale
  11. Fred L

    Fred L

    I have removed the pocket and got embroidery locally. I remove the first zipper then the lower one will also be able to be removed, however, it takes some doing to get them reattached but can be done.. reattached the lower zipper then you will be able to reinsert the upper zipper with some difficulty.

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