Zero offset or onset irons

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  • 2 Replies
  1. SHAWN E

    Sarasota FL

    There are several companies now promoting "zero offset" and even onset irons. Showing the benefits of reduced offset. I myself prefer little to no offset. I remember a set of irons i played years ago. The 962B irons with limited offset. These were by far the best irons i have played. Will Titleist look into offering up perhaps a T100B or zero offset iron head in the lineup?

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I am sure they explore design features and market strategy as part of their 2-year release planning. If the market base for a design is small, it probably would not pay for the research, design, tooling, and manufacturing of a one-off model.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Doubtful anything in the T line will get zero offset. I think it was a custom 621-JT muscle back for Justin with zero offset. That’s also an indication how much demand there is for that. Ricky’s company has zero offset for him but I don’t believe they offer a Ricky set for public sale, either.

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