T200 Black Vapor

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By John S

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  1. John S

    John S

    Received my new T200s in the Black Vapor finish and these clubs are absolutely stunning! I was fitted with AMT Black S300 Shaft +1” and +2 upright. I had the same shaft with my last set but the ones that came with my new irons are actually black and not chrome like my last set. At address, I look down and just smile at how appealing these irons and shafts are.

    Better yet, I was fit by Jake Watson, who did a great job, in Pennsylvania on a Friday night. He and I were both expecting it to take 2-3 weeks for them to ship out. But the following Monday morning, I received an email from Titleist saying my order had shipped! They went from Oceanside, CA to Eastern Pennsylvania in 3 days and I was swinging them on the range less than a week from the day I was fit and ordered them. Thank you, Jake and Titleist for a great fitting and ordering experience!

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  2. I love the black iron heads - nI have the T150s and prefer a smaller looking head. I have these in the chrome finish as well, and those look so much larger than the black heads. The only issue IMO is that the numbers are in black as well and I can not see them very well. I was just at a fitting and the fitter suggested I change the pain fill.

    I just got it done and have to say it is night and day for visibility of the numbers. Murdered out may look cool but you will have to work to make sure you have the right club in your hand :)
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