Will this chip on my 6 iron affect my performance on the course ?

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By luke b

  • 3 Replies
  1. I have just purchased a set of AP1 Irons and i was having a few practice swings when i struck something solid underneath the soft grass. To my panic i have caused my new iron to have a dent on the side... please look at the picture and advise me whether i need to purchase a new iron since it may affect my performance on the course !! thanks from luke btw its the bottom corner near my finger

  2. Tyler P

    Tyler P
    Grand Forks, ND

    You shouldn't have anything to worry about.

  3. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    This will not affect your performance in any way.  

  4. Thanks for the response :) the chip is located by finger (not clear down to picture quality) 

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