Bryson Epsom Salt Story

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By Andrew A

  • 3 Replies
  1. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    Did everyone see the story that Bryson soaks his golf balls in an epsom salt bath? He claims that helps identify the heavier parts of the ball and marks the lightest side that is floating above the water. Considering he plays a Titleist Pro V1 Left Dash, I can't imagine that he finds any that are "out of balance".

    Does anyone think there is any merit to this at all?

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Bryson being Bryson. Even if a Titleist X ball was out of balance that the dunking could detect, it wouldn’t be so much to affect us mere mortals. Tiger can tell the difference between his go to Scotty and the backups. I sure couldn’t.

    This method actually was important during the days of rubber band wound balls, and maybe when other companies tried to use 2 different cores like the X. However, if it instills confidence in the mad scientist and his game, nothing will stop him. No different than those that trust purring their shafts.
  3. obviously he did find some that were out of balance and by the way he was hitting his driver into the sand and rough all throughout round 4, I would say some were considered out of balance.....that story was NOT a great look for Titleist when he said that
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Yep, he talked about it in a press conference. There is a reason he is called "The Mad Scientist" as he looks for any and all details no matter how small. He admitted that it was a carry over from old wound ball technology, when the center could get slightly misaligned and create a balance issue. Solid core multilayer balls gave such a less margin for error in how they are made that any weight alignment issue would be insignificant. Doing a float test or a spin test will always result in some part of the ball being the top. He wants that spot in the same place when he sets the ball on the tee. He can't change it on any other shots until the green unless it's a lift-clean-and-replace day. I believe the practice is insignificant except in his head as do the 99.99% of golfers that do not use it. The contact he makes on the center of the face (which is much more accurate than most of us) and the spot he hits on the ball has much greater variance that the rotational spin from any weight differential. Tee up your ProV1's with confidence that they are the best and most consistent balls in golf.

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