Recently Switched from ProV1 to ProV1x

Follow Thread

By Kevin Palma

  • 18 Replies
  1. Kevin Palma

    Kevin Palma
    Fort Lauderdale, FL

    I just wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar experience to me switching from the ProV1 to the ProV1x. I have always played the ProV1 because of the low spin long game, lower flight (as I tend to hit the ball a bit higher than most), and softer feel. Recently, I have decided to try out the ProV1x and I have shot my lowest round. Ever since, I have played the ProV1x and have not thought about going back!

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    It's not uncommon to find people who have switched. I grew up on Titleist Tour Balata so the softest feeling ball was always my priority. I played the ProV1 for years, even knowing the ProV1x was better suited for my needs, being a slow swing player that needed more spin. Several year's ago we had a Team Titleist short game outing at Pinehurst with Bob Vokey. They also did ball fittings with TrackMan where you hit driver, 7 iron, and wedge. As expected, the results showed I really needed to move to the ProV1x so I did. It took several months for me to get used to the firmer feel, especially while putting but my scores improved and I have not looked back.
  3. Since we cannot get LEFT DOT right now, im moving to V1x based on robot testing ive seen from MGS....the 2023 V1X is the longest ball tested by their robots, and seems to be the best all around ball tee to green...going up 9 points on the compression scale may take a minute to get used to but I have hit the 102 compression left dash and it was clicky but hoping the v1x is the magic bullet.......i cant get enough of the left DOT and have 6 left....gave 3 away to a friend and i regret go v1x!!!!!

    Just a side note, ive tested the latest V1 vs the LEFT DOT and they ARE NOT the same no matter how Titleist wants to spin it....the performance is way different for me from distance to trajectory and approcah....putting is identical to me
  4. I feel like the Prov1x flys higher for me, so when i haven't been playing a while i put a ProV1x in play, since i'm more confident when i see good full shots. I normally like to play the ProV1, it just feels better for me around the greens and especially when I'm putting i like the sound of it when putting.
  5. Dan P

    Dan P
    Dartmouth, NS

    Both are great balls but with different properties. I recently switched opposite to you, V1x to ProV as I was looking for a lower, flatter balls flight. Very happy with the results.
  6. I'm someone who has generally played Pro V1x but for certain periods of time have switched to Pro V1. This may sound weird but...

    When a Pro V1x player (me) switches to Pro V1, the first impression is "Hey this plays pretty similar but just sounds and feels a little softer".

    Then when switching back from Pro V1 to Pro V1x the performance difference is very noticeable. Pro V1x flies higher off the driver and stops quicker on my chronically low spin, low descent angle iron shots. The immediate impression is, "Wow, this is working a lot better".

    The weird part is how my initial impression of Pro V1 isn't that I'm losing anything. Although I guess in the big picture both of them work really well for me. So it isn't like Pro V1 is suddenly making me miss greens or hit bad shots or lose distance.
  7. John B

    John B
    Kenmore, NY

    It seems to me that the Pro V1X is the ball that fits most golfers now. Because most golfers can benefit from the height and spin it offers to keep the ball in the air longer and hold greens.
  8. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    If only it was that simple. I play with a guy who hits a low ball but has incredible touch. His chipping and putting makes up for a lot of times where he might not be closest to the pin. For him, the feel he gets from the ProV1 outweighs his desire for a little more spin. I guess the same can be said for why both balls are widely used on tour. It is a balance between what shot shape people need and the feel that they may want. I too was reluctant to make the change and it took me a while to adjust to the firmer feel of the ProV1x but I am glad I did. Everyone should go with what they feel they need most in their golf ball performance.
  9. John B

    John B
    Kenmore, NY

    I was just quoting the what the Titleist fittertold me a couple of weeks ago... He said the V1X is the ball he fits 80% of the players he sees. But your point is well taken about feel for some.
  10. Robert J

    Robert J
    Grafton, Oh

    I just recently switched the other way, I find the Prov1 suits me better, love the softer feel. I also believe that it gives me more distance due to the lower flight.
  11. GStuart

    Blackfoot, ID

    I actually had the opposite experience. I played the ProV1x and loved it for a long time, but decided to try out the ProV1 because of the noted lower spin off the driver. I switched and shot my lowest round ever and never looked back. I love the softer feel, especially off the putter.
  12. Jon T

    Jon T
    Iowa City / Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    I switched the opposite way last year after a short stint with ProV1X, solely because of the trajectory. I play a lot in windy conditions and keeping the ball lower helped me mitigate the wind. I have come to like the softer feel and don't really have a big problem with the ball rolling out too much; it seems just about right for me.
  13. Joseph H

    Joseph H
    Lutherville, MD

    I switch to the X from V1 for about 1.5 years and the instant and biggest difference is the distance.
  14. jsh_golf


    After using the Bridgestone Tour B XS, I transitioned to the ProV1 and then to the ProV1X. What I love about the ProV1X is the higher flight it provides in the long game, the impressive spin it generates, and the stopping power it offers around the greens. These features perfectly align with my play style. Although I did try the Chrome Tour X recently and found it to be a good ball, it didn't quite match the stopping power of the ProV1X. That's why I'm excited to be returning to the ProV1X, which I believe is the best ball in the business.
  15. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    We have to find the ball that fits our swing speed and Titleist provides a great selection.

    ProV1 is designed for swing speeds between 85-105 mph and the ProV1x for speeds above 105 mph. If compression is something of interest, the Prov1 is 90 and the Prov1x is 100. Oh, having a good Titleist driver with the correctly fitted shaft aides in providing providing that optimum swing speed. The large majority of pros who do this for a living play Prov1, Prov1 left dot and Prov1x leaving the the rest of the field in the dust, usually under 20%
    (combined total) at events.

    Love my Prov1s. Fitted years ago at our Muni.
  16. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    We have to find the ball that fits our swing speed and Titleist provides a great selection.

    ProV1 is designed for swing speeds between 85-105 mph and the ProV1x for speeds above 105 mph. If compression is something of interest, the Prov1 is 90 and the Prov1x is 100. Oh, having a good Titleist driver with the correctly fitted shaft aides in providing providing that optimum swing speed. The large majority of pros who do this for a living play Prov1, Prov1 left dot and Prov1x leaving the the rest of the field in the dust, usually under 20%
    (combined total) at events.

    Love my Prov1s. Fitted years ago at our Muni.
  17. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Mr. Chuck, I think I must disagree with your swing speed to ball comment. The Titleist balls experts all agree that the slower the swing speed, the greater the need for a ball that has more spin. ProV1x would be a better fit for most of those people even though both balls are popular on tour. The tour pros keep the spin down with lower driver loft but like the decent angle into the greens. Please do not get fit for your ball based only on swing speed and the fit someone may have gotten years ago might not be what they need now. The balls have changed and players swings change too. Coons a Potato! Oh, that's your Hakuna Matata.
  18. Palmer


    I started with the Pro V1 because I really liked the feel when I was chipping and putting. I tested the Pro V1x and really liked the ball flight on full shots. It took me a while to get used to the firmer feel while chipping and putting, but I found my shots to be successful even though it felt a bit weird at first. In the end, it was the best of both worlds.
  19. I switched from my pro v1 to x this past weekend and I will be going back immediately. My draw was an over draw all day on all clubs. My natural draw is good enough don’t need to add to it. I wanted more height but not at the risk of an over draw.

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