Pro V1x Performance in Extreme Heat

Follow Thread

By Charles S

  • 10 Replies
  1. Does the 2023 V1x lose distance playing in extreme heat (ie. greater than about 108 Deg F). I've noticed about a 10 yd decrease in distance when playing in very hot weather. I've never noticed this performance drop off with previous versions of the V1x or the early V1. The 2023 V1x cover felt a little softer/gummier than a 2021 V1x the other day when the temp was 112.

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I don't think the ProV1x would be any different from any other ball in distance impact by hot or cold temperatures. All balls will see some effects from both temperature and humidity as well as altitude. I am playing ProV1x in the Phoenix area and every day for the last month has been over 110 degrees. I am seeing less roll out as the fairways are wetter and the grass mowed longer to survive the heat but no noticeable loss of carry through the air.
  3. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    From my experience, the answer is no.
    Those days when my game goes to hell, I need a dependable ball, and the ProV1x has always been there for me. Handles the heat flawlessly.
    Thanks Titleist
  4. I'm in Phoenix also. I noticed a definite drop off of 8 to 10 yds of carry distance with the 2023 V1x when the temps got into 112s+ in July. I'm pretty sure they changed the material formulations of the ball construction from 2021 variant. Just wondering if the distance curve peaks around 105-108 degs. and then drops off..... Might try and find some 2021 V1xs if anyone is still selling them.
  5. DK

    Doylestown, PA

    That's dedication boys! Playing in 110+ temperatures? I cringe at 90 in Hopefully you have plenty of cup holders...:)
  6. Military
    If it was not dry heat I would not be out there. The humid heat just saps the energy out of me.
  7. Military
    I am playing in a lot of dry heat 108+ temps for the last month with ProV1x 2023's. Am am seeing a few yard drop off on the 2023's off the tee but the short iron distance seems right on. I am chalking up my differences on heat fatigue.
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    The humidity might make the air a little thinner, if you guys have that issue. I play in the lowcountry of S Carolina where the heat index can hit 120 (temp + humidity), which can be stifling. Have to learn to hit burners on those days. The ground will be a bit harder and the ball will roll forever balancing out the distance. If I loose distance on those days it is because of my loss of energy not because of the golf ball. I play the Prov1 and it keeps on trucking. This is last years model. Trying to use them up. One dozen left then moving over to the more powerful 2023 Prov1s. Dale, you are an animal off the tee box. Hakuna matata. =)
  9. Keith M

    Keith M
    Acworth, GA

    Like Chuck, I'm also in the Southeast - Atlanta area and I have noticed a loss of distance - about half a club, but it's not the ball. It's that I'm sweating like a madman and miserable. The humidity does sap the energy and focus for me.

    Forecast for this weekend is 89, 92, and 93 with high humidity for Friday-Sunday when I have tee times. Lots of deodorant and showers.
  10. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    No chance the temp over 110F has an effect on golfer more so than on the ball??
  11. JJohnson

    Jersey Village, TX

    Quite conversely from what I've been noticing. Albeit our temp is 100-104 lately but I've noticed a 1/2 club gain in distance, which would make sense to me.

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