Buy 3 get 1 free

Follow Thread

By WJaeckle

  • 16 Replies
  1. Has there been any update or news whether Titleist will do their loyalty program this year ? Buy 3 dozen ProV1 get 1 dozen free, and when will it run ?

  2. I was bummed that last year there was no loyalty program
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    YES, most likely this spring. Official date has not been announced. Keep your eyes and ears open.
  4. In Chuck we trust!
  5. jsh_golf


    Love this deal! I can't wait for it to happen soon! I need some new golf balls!
  6. Hopefully back on before season starts. Missed them last year. Just been buying a dozen when required.
  7. PZ


    I hope they bring it back. Was sad to see it go last year.
  8. Play18

    Aurora, IL

    Fingers crossed.
  9. Tim U

    Tim U

    Can’t see why we can’t have a TT logo available as well it’s can’t be bad for business!!
  10. Ed  M

    Ed M
    Kansas CIty Kansas

    Ready to order in the buy 3 get one free program!!
  11. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Spoke with my trusted Titleist account and they will be placing my order on March 15th. They called me yesterday to remind me that they will be available on that date. Thanks Golf Ball Wacker Guy for that vote of confidence. Hope I deserve it. =)
  12. Military
    Good info, thanks Chuck. I'll see what happens next week
  13. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    See loyalty reward post today for most recent update.
  14. Ed  M

    Ed M
    Kansas CIty Kansas

    Is their a date set fog the beginning of the buy 3 get one free??
  15. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Ed M said:

    Is their a date set fog the beginning of the buy 3 get one free??
  16. It seems to depend on the shop. Some places have already started it as of March 1st.
  17. CrazyGolfNut

    Omaha, NE

    I tried to order from my club and they had already sold out their limit. I'm bummed. May be looking for another brand.

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