Current Custom Ball Lead Time

Follow Thread

By Mike M

  • 2 Replies
  1. Mike M

    Mike M
    Kalamazoo, MI

    Does anyone have an idea of the current lead time for custom balls? Thanks to no loyalty program this year, I need to reorder soon. Hoping it's not more than a couple weeks!

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    It shouldn't be any longer than it used to be. They would not have resumed tours of Ball Plant 3 if they were way behind on production as it does create a bit of a distraction to the production process. Still could add a couple of extra days for the ongoing shipping delays once they leave the factory. Still better than putting on a bathing suit and fishing out used ones from Lake Michigan. Good luck and hopefully you are well stocked up soon.
  3. Robert J

    Robert J
    Grafton, Oh

    I just received my custom Prov1X order, took about 2 weeks

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