Look at another ball?

Follow Thread

By Scott A

  • 4 Replies
  1. I am playing a Pro V1X left dash and am noticing that I am getting really high bounces off tee balls and even iron shots. I am a high spin player and have been fitted with shafts to minimize spin. I am wondering if I should look at the Pro V1 to minimize bounces that seem to bound everywhere and put me in some bad situations

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Sounds like your course is really playing extremely firm and fast these days. There may be no way to avoid that entirely but keeping it low usually helps. Possibly give the AVX a try. They have a low flight and soft feel and just might help your particular situation. Get a sleeve and see what you think. Good luck and hope they do the trick.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Suggest purchasing one sleeve and testing it during a few rounds and see how it works for you. See if believing.
  4. Sean S

    Sean S
    Centreville, VA

    Here are my thoughts and I’m certainly no expert, nor have I stayed at any Holiday Inns recently.

    Do you know what your landing angle is? Sounds like it might be a little too shallow.

    A Pro V1 and AVX, due to lower trajectory could make this worse. I’d look at the Pro V1x to see if you couldn’t increase your landing angle and add some spin which could help stop it quicker.

  5. I highly doubt a softer ccompression ball will stop a bad bounce. It might bounce MORE as the covers are designed for great speeds at slower speeds....

    also, with the prov1 you will get higher spin, resulting in higher flight which may create a deeper angle of descent and create a high bounce upon landing....who knows.....i dont think a ball change will help with your issue and it sounds as if these are one off issues opposed to a trend

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