Off Center ProV1x

Follow Thread

By WKilloran

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  • 21 Replies
  1. Coble

    Denver, CO

    Not to mention the latest cally advertisement claiming similar results versus their new Chrome Soft...?
  2. Paul C

    Paul C
    Beech Mountain, NC

    I can't offer any insight on that Golfwrx thread. I can say I've played the Pro V1 since it hit the market and have always gotten consistent performance. I've never bothered to cut my golf balls in half to see how centered the core is. I'm sure there are acceptable tolerances for that and a few sneak through here and there. The balls I've used never performed in a manner which made me suspect anything was off and that's all that matters to me.
  3. Fred L

    Fred L

    I have cut open numerous PRO V and V1x and always centered. Maybe it was a second or practice ball?
  4. 19hole

    Reading, MA

    Fred L said:

    I have cut open numerous PRO V and V1x and always centered. Maybe it was a second or practice ball?

    Practice balls come off the same line as the retail packaged ball. They are just imprinted with "PRACTICE".
  5. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Fake News! Tour the ball plant and you will see how that can never happen.
  6. John B

    John B
    Kenmore, NY

    For some reason, it now seems necessary as part of golf ball reviews to cut golf balls in half to see if they are centered. Cutting 2 or 3 balls in half and then claiming there is a problem for every ball is ridiculous. I've been playing golf for almost 50 years and I'm sure over that time some balls have been off center. But the reality is I play Pro V1X because it is the best ball out there for me and watching their ball plant videos has proven to me that Titleist does everything they can to make sure the balls are right.

    Let's be real, I will never really know if a ball is off center unless I cut it open and then I can't play it anyway!!!
  7. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Again, suggest anyone concerned to tour the ball plant and see how any ball out of tolerance would get knocked off the assembly line. Extremely high reliability testing automated into their process.
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I don't think the fake news has hurt the number one ball on tour. It is still winning and if you are not first you are last. Prov1 golf balls are still and will continue to remain in my bag. Desperate times call for desperate means, just sayin'.
  9. John M

    John M
    Aiken, SC Lakewood, NY

    Agree with all of the above. The ‘off-center’ claims are the latest red herring offered by some wannabe engineer who doesn’t understand how golf balls are made or what makes them perform. That was one of the main criticisms of the Kirkland balls; offered as evidence of poor quality control.
  10. Speedy

    East Coast, NH

    LOL! Are you talking about the thread from 2015? Anyways, this is laughable, sorry.

    I've done the tour plant twice now and it's insane the amount of quality check the ProV1 and ProV1x goes through. And the X-Ray machine at the end is NO JOKE. There's a screen on the X-Ray machine where you can watch each ball go through making sure the core is center.

    And I don't get the point of cutting a ball open. Just play golf and have fun, why do people gotta analyze every little thing. If something doesn't look right, call customer service and let them know.

  11. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    MySpy Golf is now cutting dozens of balls daily. After hitting balls from a Titleist competitor and not understanding why they were going 20 yards off line, they found some of the 4 piece balls inner core was off by almost a quarter of an inch. That company is now investing millions to improve the quality. The ad that their balls "are in closer tolerance now than the X" is questionable on how quickly they could achieve that. There is a mass marketer that was buying over-runs of TM balls adding their own stamp and saying they were as good at Titleist. Law suits ensued and that claim is no longer made. We'll see if the new claim quietly disappears. I haven't seen it since January when it first appeared.

    BTW, the MySpy Golf guys are pretty brand agnostic. They don't declare the Pro-v's to be the best ball but definitely define Titleist as the gold standard of consistency and quality. The claim seen earlier this year had them scratching their heads how that would hold up. I wouldn't worry too much about a run of Pro-V's being of poor quality. Should you ever find a new one from an original package not like the rest, Titleist would love to get in contact with you.
  12. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    This could be a real significant issue. I know when the earth gets a little off center my scores are approximately 3.2 strokes higher. If the ball is off center, that might add a few more strokes. Unless I can get the ball to be off center the opposite direction of the earth. That's why I always cut my balls in half before I play.
  13. Just placed my order for the 4 for 3 deal. ProV1x #34. I tested a few different balls this week, and had no where close to the control I had with the X.
  14. I'm not saying it's good, bad, happy, or sad...but there is a guy in Canada on Instagram called GolfBallGuts who is cutting DOZENS of ProV1x open and finding off-center cores (or in Canada, off-centre). Whether or not those balls would ever perform differently or not, I don't know. Neither does he...he consistently says that he's not making performance claims...but he is saying that Titleist says that cores off-center by the amount he is finding will negatively affect performance. The fact that he's found more than one in all the dozens he's cut is, at the very least, interesting, and at the worst, concerning.

    All that said, I play ProV1x and will continue to do so. I just think that saying it's impossible that off center cores come out the ball plant is maybe a little much.

    I'd also point out that I WANT to believe that the tour guys play balls from the exact same bin as the balls mine come from, but I just don't know...
  15. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The vast majority of tournament, pros or otherwise, are using the same ball you can buy. The exceptions are those trialing prototypes and some that use prior versions. Duff used to prefer the 2015 version as an example. There were more but the left dash model is now available through pro shops. There are still some using the 2019 version but even that one can be found retail.
  16. Allan


    Team Titleist Staff
    Check out the comments on this article to see why some of those balls appeared off-center:
  17. John T

    John T
    Youngstown, OH

    Allan B., Titleist Staff said:

    Check out the comments on this article to see why some of those balls appeared off-center:

    It's not just that. I have watched him cut some balls and it seems that he doesn't cut them perfectly down the center or directly on the bias; in other words, both halves are not exactly the same size. That can be seen from a mile away. Because of that, of course some cores will appear off center.
  18. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    After extensive testing on my Barrymeter, I can assure you that data indicates a significant drop in performance for the balls that were cut in half. Therefore I conclude that to get the best performance buy new balls and go play golf. And then if you really are concerned about them being a bit off center you can cut them in half, but I highly recommend NOT playing them after you cut them in half. Your individual results may vary.
  19. John M

    John M
    Aiken, SC Lakewood, NY

    Exactly Allan!! Any idiot with a camera phone can become a self-proclaimed expert. Perfectly bisecting a sphere is not as easy as some are led to believe. Titleist Quality Control experts are the best in the business and have forgotten more than the ‘experts’ that fill the internet with this drivel. I TRUST TITLEIST and always will.
  20. It shouldn't matter how you cut the sphere, the sides should equal. The core and other layers may be sized differently depending on where the cut is made, but the sides should all still be equal. If hitting the ball at over 100mph doesn't get the core off center, no way a small cutting device does. It is a recognized real problem and probably just a bad batch or a piece of equipment out of spec. It happens in manufacturing and no matter how perfect you are, it can happen. Been through the plant and seen videos numerous times of the process and I can assure you there are lots of room for error in every process. The true showing of a company is how they react and correct the problem. cally admitted error and invested millions to improve. Seems like this one has been way too quiet for comfort.
  21. I think the assessment of true center takes quite precise cutting to avoid any “confusion”.

    Put it this way... I would trust the factory automation built into (every single) ball plant making PROV1 than any 3rd party analysis. As a manufacturing engineer there’s few processes in consumer mass production I believe in more than the one titleist uses for their premium balls.

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