Second Version of the AVX Ball

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By FStellitano

  • 12 Replies
  1. It was a close battle between the Pro-V1 and the newer version of the AVX balls. The extra length of the AVX won me over. That is, the AVX is almost as good as the Pro-V1 in the short game but the AVX is 5 to 8 yards longer off the driver and I a little straighter.

    The only thing I notice is the lack of players of the AVX. When I do run into a fellow AVX'er we usually give each other a wink or sign because we know a secret. That the AVX is a worthy brother of the two Pro-V's and is not a gimmick distance ball.

    Anybody else using this ball?

    data: male, 8.1-9.0 handicap index, 65 years old, 90 mph driver swing

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  2. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    Yes, I do play the AVX and have been since the early testing period back in late 2017. I play the newest version now. Previously, I played exclusively Pro V1.

    HOWEVER, I tried the new 2021 Pro V1 during testing and can see myself going back to them once the winter is over. Or at the very least, a combination of both balls based on the conditions of the day.

    For wind, in my eyes, the AVX is second to none. In cool/colder temps too. But, once the warm weather hits, the difference between the two, distance-wise, is not as apparent, yet the stopping power of the Pro V is much better around the greens and on approach shots for me. Personally I play more of a check-style with my chips and pitches, as opposed to bump and runs. (I open the face on most short game shots instead of playing a more square-faced type of shot.) As a result, I feel more confident using a Pro V1 for these types of shots.

    In the winter, I am usually looking for all the distance I can get, so the yellow AVX is my ball. In the summer, there are always a 1/2 dozen AVX in my bag for use in windy conditions. (Both white and yellow.) AVX work well in warmth too, but my game is more serious in-season, so greenside spin matters slightly more to me then. (Not that the distance difference in summer is much, if any, at all.)

    For data comparison, I'm about the same age as you, presently a 5 index, w/96-100 driver SS, if that matters.

    This spring, I plan to take advantage of the "Loyalty Rewarded," buy three, get four custom dozen deal (assuming it is offered again). For the past two years I ordered AVX. This year I will be ordering Pro V1, once again.
  3. AVX for me too, further and straighter than V. I play more of a chip and run ground game, so it can run as much as it wants for me!
  4. Mitch B

    Mitch B
    Huntsville, Alabama

    Love the AVX. Have been playing it for awhile. I’ve never been fit, but plan on it eventually.
  5. Anthony C

    Anthony C
    Tinton Falls NJ

    I love this ball. It does exactly what it advertises. Low and long off the driver, improved spin up close. Really the perfect ball for me.
  6. BCH


    I too am an AVXeist. Been that way since they came out. First started using them when I got a new Scotty putter and harder cover balls just did not have the feel I was looking for so I tested alot. AVX won!
    Extra distance was definitely a bonus.
    Ball flight was also a big factor.
    Ball spin around the green and feel off the putter head were what really made me a believer.

    Like Doug I am waiting for the 4 for 3 special to restock!

    Only thing I really want is a Titleist hat with AVX on the side instead of ProV1 so I can represent properly!!!
  7. WxManMike

    Kennebunk, ME

    I just wanted to chime in here for my first post and say that the AVX is my new golf ball!

    I love the ProV1 & ProV1x. I played similar versions of those balls produced by a direct-to-consumer company.

    The main issue that I have always dealt with as a golfer back in the 1980s has been high trajectory ball flight. With the balata balls and the old Titleist DT's, I would just balloon. I would hit a drive 210-220 yards with a metal wood while my friends would hit 240-260 with persimmon woods. My balls went straight up, theirs lower and longer. I've played around with swing, drivers, and different balls over the years to try to find a way to keep the ball down off the tee over the years. I thought it was a lost cause and that I would just have to live with it.

    I wanted a ball where the compression was in the 80s, but I still wanted some bite with the high irons and wedges. That was tough to come by, in fact, it was non-existent. I could either have lower compression -OR- higher spin. Feel is subjective to me. I really have no preference on firm or soft. I just want one ball to work for me for my game.

    Doing research and reading about the 2020 AVX, it appeared to check the boxes off for me. I have to contend with wind from a coastal sea breeze in summer, and wind from mesocylconic storms in spring and fall. Those that commented about it said it was great in wind. On a windy Tuesday evening with gusts steady in the 30-35mph range, I picked up a sleeve and tried them out. I played my best golf of the early season. The ball stayed down, my carry distance went up, and the ball was not phased with driver or wedge with the wind. The ball flight raised my eyebrows several times and continues to in several rounds since. It's impressed all whom I have played with. I've finally found a ball that works for me!

    Thank you, Titleist! I am extremely grateful that you produced this ball, and one that I can have full confidence in.
  8. I find the 2021 Pro V1 has good wind performance almost like AVX. But the Pro V1 holds greens on irons shots to firm greens just a bit better. Either one is a good choice but overall the Pro V1 just edges it out.

    If the greens on my home course were not super firm most of the year I would probably choose AVX. A couple guys I play with really like it.
  9. I have been playing the AVX for the past 5 months. I gained almost a club with the irons, and about 10 yards off the tee. I played in a tournament this weekend at my club, and one nine was alternate shot. My partner prefers the regular ProV1, so I put it into play for the nine. I was 15 yards past my norm with the AVX and the same distance with the irons. I played it today for the entire round and the distances held true. I wonder if the AVX is longer in cooler weather, and the ProV1 is longer in the warmer. I spin both balls about the same. I am 61 years old, playing to a 5.1.
  10. I play the AVX because its the same length as the prov1 and to me, has a better feel......BUT the Prov1 is the better all around ball IMO.....5 extra yards off the tee is not enough for me to play the AVX full time. So i love the prov1 around the green which is where the AVX isnt great.....but the feel of the AVX is perfect......i switch back and forth depending on mood.
  11. I have played the AVX for a couple of years and my game has improved a stroke or two, primarily due to the distance increase off the driver. At 68 years young, I am hitting it as far as I did 10 years ago.
  12. AVX for me too. I've been playing them since they came out. I too was looking for a ball that wouldn't "balloon" on me, and this one fit the bill perfectly. I also prefer the softer feel. These tend to fly straighter off of the driver, meaning that I can play more from the short grass vs from under the trees. Also, being more of a bump-and-runner around the green, I kinda like the fact that they have just a bit of roll. But hey, isn't that why our friends at Titleist make different varieties of we can find what works best for our game and enjoy?
  13. Albert D

    Albert D
    Henderson, NV

    I did the testing myself between the X, the pro V1 and the AVX.....I have been using the AVX since last September and have not wavered. I can play different Trajectories and here in the desert ball flight is very important as the day goes on. We have very calm air in the morning but by 10:30 to 11 everyday the breeze comes up. Usually small breezes but we can get days where the wind goes from 3 mph to 20 and above winds. With a ball that is more user friendly to me as far as flighting it down sold me on all of its attributes.

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