2021 ProV1x test balls

Follow Thread

By JMoyers

  • 17 Replies
  1. Bottom line: softer feel and longer. Played today with a 30 degree temperature. Ended up off the tee in places I was typically at in the summer with the left dash. Same quick check on short pitches and chips. Think I’ve found my ball for 2021. Thank you to Titleist for the test sleeve!

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  2. LBCgolfplayer

    The LBC

    I had the exact same experience around the green myself today and have officially switched over.
  3. Jeff C

    Jeff C
    Grundy Center, IA

    I would have to agree with the short shots. I was able to one hop and stop my 40 yards and under like I have not ever been able. My touch around the was the best I've had in years.
    My drives were really no different than the last two models. I would say inside of 50 yards is where I saw and made up strokes.

    Thank you for letting me try these new balls.
  4. Steve B

    Steve B
    Easley, SC

    I got the sleeves of test balls and have played them. They are really good, but the dimple pattern reminds me of the AVX., not the ProV1x. The ball are long, responsive around the greens and soft off the putter. The cover does scar easily but otherwise great balls. Thank you for the opportunity to test them.
  5. Played 18 in windy and wet partly sunny conditions. Putted, chipped and pitched (short) on backyard turf conditions with Pro V1 s from last year but fresh out of box for comparison.
    I found Pro V1x to be a little bit “clickier” off the putter face, spun a little bit more and got a little more air on chips and pitches. Surprised to find the covers a bit marked up by 30-40 minutes of use.
    On the course, they performed well particularly playing into the wind. I was able to keep the ball down and hit my best tee shots into the wind, hitting a lower draw. Stopping power was good, not remarkably different from past experience. Again durability came up. Without obviously hitting a thin or skulled shot I was surprised to find a small abrasion on one ball. My biggest takeaway is a good golf ball, but question marks about the durability of the cover.
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  6. TJohnson

    Taylors, SC

    EEly said:

    Played 18 in windy and wet partly sunny conditions. Putted, chipped and pitched (short) on backyard turf conditions with Pro V1 s from last year but fresh out of box for comparison.
    I found Pro V1x to be a little bit “clickier” off the putter face, spun a little bit more and got a little more air on chips and pitches. Surprised to find the covers a bit marked up by 30-40 minutes of use.
    On the course, they performed well particularly playing into the wind. I was able to keep the ball down and hit my best tee shots into the wind, hitting a lower draw. Stopping power was good, not remarkably different from past experience. Again durability came up. Without obviously hitting a thin or skulled shot I was surprised to find a small abrasion on one ball. My biggest takeaway is a good golf ball, but question marks about the durability of the cover.
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    I had the same issue today. I played 2 v1x balls today and both of them became incredibly scuffed up. That’s kind of disheartening
  7. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    I haven't finished a round yet without scuffed up balls, no matter what brand I play. My friends advised me to keep it on the green stuff, but then I have to wipe the grass stains off it when I'm done.
  8. TJohnson

    Taylors, SC

    What I’m speaking of isn’t from hitting trees, rocks, cart path, etc. The cover is gripping pretty hard on the club that the paint is staying on the wedges. I’d get it if I had newer grooves, but the wedges are about a year old and probably used over 100 rounds so far. It’s no big deal though, the ball performs flawlessly. Just an observation is all.
  9. Jim V.

    Jim V.
    St. Marys, GA

    I tested the ProV1 and ProV1x. My driver swing speed is in the high 80's. My ball-flight is medium. Off the driver, the X flew higher and 10 yards further than the V. Both flew about the same with my irons. Around the greens, the X had higher spin. Overall, the V is softer but the 2021 X is softer than the 2019 version. The cover on the V seemed to be a little less durable. Thanks to Titleist for the testing opportunity!
  10. I played with the new Pro V1s and got the summer distances in the middle of the winter. The feel and distance were super. Thanks for letting me test the balls.
  11. Samuel  C

    Samuel C
    Phoenix, AZ

    I was able to test out the X and thought it was great. Distance for me was longer than the current model, as I'm not the longest hitter, so picking up some yardage was an added bonus.

    Since I have to use my short irons more, nice to know that the prototype balls have a bit more spin, so I can check it up, which will help my game.

    I had a mixed experience with the cover's durability, as one ball seemed to scuff up pretty easy from wedges and a bunker shot and the other ball seemed to have no issues with markings.

    Overall, Pro V's are still the best all out there and happy I got a chance to test it out.
  12. Craig P

    Craig P
    Tacoma, WA

    All I have to say is THANK YOU for letting me test the NEW 2021 Pro V ball. I am in the Pacific Northwest and it just finished up snowing a few days ago. I have pitted and chipped with the ball and it is a GAMER for 2021 for me 100 percent HOP STOP and DROP action is a definite game changing improvement over previous models for me.
  13. Apologies if anyone has addressed this already or in a different thread. I am looking to do my own testing on the new Pro V1 and Pro V1x vs. my current gamer (yellow 2019 Pro V1x). Does anyone know here I can get just a sleeve of 3 for each without getting gouged in my local pro shop? I just don't want to spend $100 to get a dozen of each for a ball I may or may not fit into. Thanks!
  14. Allen P

    Allen P
    Clermont, FL

    Excellent results. Gain distance and better trajectory. Like the reaction when chipping. Thanlk you for allowing me to participate in the testing program.
  15. Jim S

    Jim S
    East Point, GA

    Thanks for the selecting me to test the 2021 Prov1x. The new ball seems softer than previous model. It goes farther and stops better. the 2021 ball is an improved version of an already great ball. This is my ball for this season.
  16. Ryan L

    Ryan L
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Hey Titleist! Adding to this thread in first, saying THANK YOU to Titleist for allowing me to participate. Allow I was sent the balls a number of months ago, I'm just now getting in the grove of my swing (Spring here in Indiana) to have given the balls a fair assessment. Like always, it never fails how consistent the ProV line is. I do feel like this new model is slightly longer and it does seem to grab more aggressively on the greens, which I like. The change in the alignment graphic is a nice touch too and while I understand marketing and changing it up to year to year in differentiating ball "years", I'd really like to see a standard utilized and would vote for this version.

    Many thanks (again) to Titleist for involving loyalists to participate in the process...you not only create a better experience but its a genuine "thank you" for player loyalty. All the best as this ball makes its way to my Pro Shop shelf!
  17. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    So Ryan, if they did not slightly change the alignment logo with each model, how would you propose they give the consumer the ability to know which version they were playing? Other than the packaging, couldn't anyone switch up balls and then present an older version as new? I kind of like knowing which one I am hitting. The versions do not seem too drastically different to me. Anyway, glad you got a chance for better weather and the opportunity to get out and play. Better days ahead.
  18. Joel H

    Joel H
    Ottawa, Il

    Hello and thank you for selecting me to test the new 2021 proto types. I put the new balls through the ringer with a recent 144 hole weekend in Illinois and Indiana with a couple new courses never played and a couple I have played often. The new cover was soft with excellent feel. Wedges could grab them and they would jump off the driver face. I definitely experienced more distance when hit in the center of face. I didn’t notice increased spin but they did hop and hold on approach shots into the greens well. With the increased feel from the cover I hope they go into production. Again thank you for the opportunity

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