Best Pro V for women

Follow Thread

By Cherie R

  • 3 Replies
  1. Almost all the studies and data are based on men’s swings. Does a good ball, like the ProV1 exist for women? If I choose a Pro V1 or 1x might I as well be swinging an ultra stiff shaft that doesn’t fit me either? I am a single-digit senior player with a swing speed about 75 currently playing pro v1. I like the feel and touch around the greens. Yet I can’t afford to sacrifice distance. What’s a girl to do?

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Cherie, I think all the data is always based on swing speed and personal preference for feel and ball flight. It shouldn't matter if you are a guy or a gal. Me, like you, are not a super long hitting senior golfer. I switched from ProV1 to ProV1x to get a bit more height and spin on my shots. Not quite the same soft feel so it took me a few month's to adjust, especially for putting. I would just suggest getting a few different ones, maybe even trying the AVX and play each one for a few rounds and decide for yourself. Good luck out there.
  3. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO

    Couple of options are the AVX and the new Tour Speed. Pick up a sleeve of each to try and see if they can add some distance for you while keeping your green side feel & touch intact.
  4. Tyler H

    Tyler H
    Appleton, WI


    Check out the newly launched virtual ball fitting that Titleist just announced. You will go through about a 20 minute fitting with one of the ball fitting experts via zoom. They will be able to help you narrow down your options and then you will receive some 2 packs of the selected balls. It is quick and very insightful.

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