Change to yellow?

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By MHolly

  • 26 Replies
  1. Military

    Good morning, I've been having trouble lately tracking my ball and am considering a switch to yellow balls. For those of you that made the switch, did/does it help?

    Thanks in advance for your opinions.

  2. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    Yes. At least, for me it helps. I play both white and high-optic yellow AVX and Pro V1/x. I usually only play high-optic yellow in the late fall and winter. It really helps then.
  3. Absolutely! I played white balls until I lost one that barley missed the fairway, when I was looking for it I found a yellow ball and gave it a shot. Super easy to track. Especially up here in the northeast in the fall. When you can loose a ball by it rolling under a leaf. Highly recommended trying it out.
  4. Lance P

    Lance P
    Hillsborough, NC

    Yellow balls look great and for me are easier to follow in the air. I think they pop on green grass also. My wife enjoys the various green-colored balls which can also be seen quite well. The biggest disadvantage with any colored ball is finding them among fallen leaves but then again if a white ball is covered you probably wouldn't find that one either!
  5. it has helped me
  6. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Absolutely when the sky is gray. No ands, ifs, or butts on that. If the sky is blue and the leaves are yellow where you land, I may switch to white. On a cloudy day, I pretty much lose a white ball in less than 150 yards. Yellow I can see over 200. So other than depth perception issues, I can track my drives with a yellow ball fairly well.
  7. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I usually play white as my first preference but do occasionally play yellow if I know I will be playing in fog or rain. Rarely happens at home in San Diego but I take them to places like Bandon and it does make a difference on those misty or foggy days. I see no negatives in performance, just a personal preference for me to play mostly white. Get a sleeve and try them out for yourself.
  8. Tom P

    Tom P
    Stanley, NC

    Yes, it has made a tremendous difference. I waited patiently for several years hoping the ProV1 would eventually be available in optic yellow. I was close to switching brands, then Titleist came to the rescue ! I could see the white ball out to about 175 yards. Beyond that it was guesswork and very frustrating. Especially when my playing partners would compliment a shot that I could not see. Just FYI, I am 65 years old and wear contacts for distance and use inexpensive readers for up close. Nonetheless, it is great to be able to follow the flight and see the yellow ball come to rest at any distance. I definitely recommend it.
  9. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Recently went to the yellow Pro V1's and not looking backwards... Very easy to see on the green and my playing group play the white ball, so that makes it even better!
  10. Military
    Thank you, sounds like what I was hoping to hear!
  11. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    My grandkids gave me a dozen yellow prov1's for my birthday. I like them. My eyes aren't what they used to be, and its easier to focus on the yellow ball at address.
  12. I made the switch few months about a year ago and have noticed a huge difference. I can see the ball in the air and its so much easier to find. It also is great as identifying your ball with your playing partner is so much easier. I am very glad I made the switch to Prov1 yellow...
  13. Yellow, no, orange works better for me once it crosses back into the horizon line. Feel for you! Getting older ain't for the faint of heart!
  14. JDobkin

    Los Angeles

    I bounce around between Yellow and White and don't have any issue. The yellow I prefer to play when the leaves start dropping. Makes it a tad easier to find one covered. I will also play yellow if my group is playing all white. It's just easier than asking is that your ball over and over again.
  15. Diego D

    Diego D
    Miami, FL

    I usually play with white balls, however, if it is foggy, I play with yellow balls.
  16. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    Sounds liek I shoudl be giving this a try as well.
  17. Duane J

    Duane J
    Mount Vernon, OH

    I, like many people, use both yellow and white. As the grass in Ohio turns brown from lack of rain, I will use a white ball. When it is lush and green, I will use the yellow Titleist. I can usually spot it 50 yds out from its landing spot. I find it easy to track in flight because being almost 69 years old my eyes aren't as good as they use to be. Yellow is my preferred color, but we have to adapt to our conditions on weather, course conditions, time of day, etc as golfers.
  18. Definitely helps! Also much easier to know which ball is yours when you’re walking up the fairway. It basically identifies itself which is great.
  19. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    In addition to my previous comment, I love playing the yellow AVX when my playing partners are all playing white. It helps to accentuate the point that you outdrove them all when, as you approach the fairway, everyone sees the bright yellow one far out ahead of the others. There's no guessing involved about who had the longest drive. ;-)

    Alright, I admit it, they are a few years older than I am, but it still feels good, just the same!
  20. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

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  21. Scotty R

    Scotty R

    I just made the switch to yellow ProV1's about a month ago as they were recommended from a friend. Not only are they easier to see and hold up well I swear they are a bit longer off the driver!! I didn't believe it when my friend who is a +2 told me but when I made the switch I was able to keep up with him off the tee for the most part. I agree with everyone, grab a sleeve and try them out for yourself, I don't think you will be disappointed. I for sure wasn't.
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