
Follow Thread

By Mark G

  • 8 Replies
  1. Hit by errant drive coming into clubhouse

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  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Just like the Farmer's Insurance commercial! Bummer!
  3. Elson C

    Elson C

    One of my buddies has hit the same car twice, from the 6th tee of Taylor meadows, luckily he only hit the door, but not the glass.
  4. Thomas Y

    Thomas Y
    Wenham, MA

    Sorry to hear of your misfortune.

    I work at a private facility laid out with the clubhouse parking that is nearest the clubhouse across a limited access road from the practice range. High pulls/pull hooks often hit the road (or carry it) and wipe out a couple of windows each season. No idea how many dents are incurred. I don't park anywhere near there (actually restricted for member/guest use only during golf season), and I can't understand why members want to park there, either! It's always full when we are busy, though.
  5. (Music notes) safelite repair safelite replace

    I’m sorry for the bad luck but thanks for having the good sense of humor to take the photo, made me laugh! Hope you played and shot well that round.
  6. Ouch
  7. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    Always been a fear of mine at 2 of our courses that have Par 5's that run along a major road. Either being hit or hitting someone's car. Also at one of those courses the driving range also runs along that same road with a sign that says this end only for single digit handicaps...

  8. FRED L

    FRED L
    Centerport, NY

  9. Trevor P

    Trevor P
    Brentwood, Essex

    I remember playing in a tournament at North Berwick, Scotland, where the cars were lined up down the right side of the 18th. One of my playing partners manage to hit a windscreen then the ball hit another car door. Lucky he had insurance.

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