What Are You Playing Commercial

Follow Thread

By Garry B.

  • 1 Reply
  1. Garry B.

    Garry B.
    Houston, TX

    I’ve always liked this commercial. It’s classy and typical Titleist.


    I’ve recently been a starter at a couple of City Am qualifiers in Houston and one of the items on the Starter’s Checklist is to remind the players to identify their golf ball to the others. It amuses and surprises me how often I hear players use words similar to those in this commercial. And, like the commercial, often not even saying the word Titleist. Several times when all 3 players have said things like Red 3, Black with two blue dots, etc., I would say ‘Titleist should be here filming you guys for a commercial. Since you are amateurs they wouldn’t even have to pay you’ and all of us laugh. Unlike the end of the commercial there are no grandstands or crowds; just four dedicated Titleist players (including me) on the first tee on a hot, humid morning.

  2. John B

    John B
    Kenmore, NY

    Yes that's a good one, but my favorite is this one...


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