
Follow Thread

By James W

  • 1 Reply
  1. James W

    James W
    Hillsboro, OR

    Titleist, Let me start with "thank you" for adding yellow to the ProV1 line up. With that being said, Why can I not customize it like ALL the other models?? I did not take advantage of the buy 3 get 1 free custom ball offer over the winter because at that time I could not customize the number other than 1-4. Now you've added the "custom alignment" feature to customizing, very cool! BUT, not only can I not add that option to the "yellow only" ProV1, but the number issue is still there! I don't understand why I can add double digits or custom alignment on white balls, but not yellow. I would appreciate fellow golfers opinions on this matter, along with some explanation from Titleist.

    Jim W.

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  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    I was a little disappointed when I saw the alignments were only on the white balls. Dale V gives an explanation based on the size of the product runs necessary to produce customized balls in the thread her in Golf Balls "Why not....".

    So, for me, I'll have a reason in the winter to sit around the fireplace and add my own alignment stripes. Not much else to do in -10 F weather with sundown at 4:15 pm anyway.

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