How to get the prototype golf balls in the mail?

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By Ryan F

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  1. Ryan F

    Ryan F
    Bethlehem, PA

    I have been hearing about these new prototype golf balls from titleist and would really want to test them out. I just became a member of Team Titleist and was wondering how people were getting them? When I registered for Team Titleist it never asked for my address so I was wondering if you have to be important to get these prototype golf balls. So if Titleist could respond back to me or someone from Team Titleist tell me how to register to get these prototype golf balls so I can test these golf balls and give feedback to Titleist about this golf ball. Merry Christmas!


    Ryan F

  2. Team Titleist Staff

    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for joining Team Titleist! We're happy to have you on board.

    As for participating in the test panels, all Team Titleist members are considered when we have opportunities like this but the final selection will vary depending on the test panel.  

    We make every effort to include as many Team Titleist members as possible in these opportunities, but as you can imagine, we unfortunately are not able to include everyone in every test panel.

    Also, the more you participate and the more engaged you are with Team Titleist, from posting in the discussions and adding blog comments to completing your profile, the better your chances are at potentially opening the doors to these Team Titleist opportunities.

    Thanks again and have a great day.



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