917d2 to TSR 2

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By l

  • 2 Replies
  1. I'm coming from a 917 D2 playing 1/4" short 44.75". 45" was standard at the time. It has a speeder 74 X flex shaft. I have a 16 gram neutral swing weight and a Winn mid size grip.

    I just purchased a TSR 2 with a KBS TD 70 category 3 shaft at 45.5".

    I'd like to shorten the shaft to 45". (I'm 5'8") Any idea what swing weight I'd need to get a slightly lighter feeling than I have now?

    I'm guessing I'm roughly +3 grams with the old driver considering a little length was removed. So I'm guessing if I remove a half an inch I'll need +4 for the new driver?

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    You would need to measure both clubs on a swingweight scale to determine starting point. It's impossible to determine swingweight simply based on specs, as head weights, shaft weights, grip and other factors all vary. In general, cutting the butt end of a shaft will decrease swing weight by 2 points, but like i said, there are many other factors.
  3. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    There is a chart in the club section that will tell you the weight difference when shortening the shaft.

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