Who was Lucky? TTI

Follow Thread

By Todd J

  • 7 Replies
  1. Todd J

    Todd J
    Calgary, Alberta 🇨🇦

    I was excited to get the email yesterday until I read it lol, I guess I will put it into the same folder as my Masters ticket rejections.

    No, really congrats to the chosen ones enjoy!

  2. Stephen M

    Stephen M
    Mississauga, ON

    No luck this time.
  3. Darius V

    Darius V
    Barrie, ON

    So sorry you missed out this year... Perhaps another time when it is closer to home for you ????
  4. Alex Z

    Alex Z

    Tt member since June 2012 and just like you and the Masters tickets, it's the rejected folder again for me as well.

    Maybe next year. Congrats to all those selected

  5. Peter H

    Peter H
    Vancouver, BC

    I was not one of the lucky ones, on the waitlist.
  6. Stephen M

    Stephen M
    Mississauga, ON

    Will be available if needed. Probably the closest to the site.
  7. James G

    James G
    Kitchener, Ontario, ON

    I got email saying I was on the wait list. Not sure if that's the standard rejection letter or if there's a glimmer of hope?
    Fingers crossed lol. Been here from the very beginning and Titleist has treated me right. This would be the culmination of a long and wonderful relationship to get a spot.
    Happy Spring team!
  8. Dennis B

    Dennis B
    New Lowell, ON

    I too missed the cut. Maybe next year

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