new oil can wedges

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By Brad M

  • 1 Reply
  1. When I saw the email for the new wedges, I was really excited as I want to replace my existing SM9 with a new SM10. The 60.06 K grind looked perfect. Then I saw the price. 52% premium compared to the regular SM10. Consequently, I am going with the jet black for $250, rather than $380.

  2. Todd J

    Todd J
    Calgary, Alberta 🇨🇦

    Hey Brad I hear you, I was going to do the same thing but I think you have to look at it as your buying a limited edition like a limited edition Scotty Cameron putter. You get a special finish, upgraded shaft in a special bronze colour and LE grip all that and still $370 cheaper than an OTR Scotty.

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