Embarrassing Moments

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By Darius V

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  1. Darius V

    Darius V
    Barrie, ON

    Okay - None of us like to admit we are not perfect. Alas - unfortunately most of us have had those moments where we thought we were not doing anything wrong and then found out otherwise and were embarrassed by our innocent misadventure. I was chatting the other day with a friend who had just come home from a vacation on Hilton Head where he had the pleasure of playing Harbour Town Golf Links... It brought back to mind my experience there and admittedly one of my more embarrassing moments... To set the stage - Out front of the club house is a large practice green for putting and off to the right side of the club house is the generous driving range. In between is a nice small green surrounded by a number of bunkers. I recall I finished my putting practice and decided I would hit some bunker shots to prepare for my round as I knew that sand came into play a lot around that track. I was practicing away when a gentleman came up and politely suggested that perhaps I should clear the way as there was a foursome coming in to finish their round. Oh dear - turns out the "practice green" I was using to work on my bunker play was actually the 18th hole :) I did wait for the group to come in and apologized for holding them up. Fortunately we all had a good laugh and I headed out to the first tee to enjoy my round. Oh yes - my practice paid off as I did visit a number of bunkers as I traversed the course... How about you ? Care to share or not quite over the pain just yet ?

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  2. Nick


    hahah this is a great story! love it

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