Performance Alignment Golf Balls

Follow Thread

By Shawn P.

  • 4 Replies
  1. Shawn P.

    Shawn P.
    Barrie, ON

    Super excited to start playing these. I think it’s absolutely phenomenal that they have added the alignment marking on them.

    Now I know everyone is gonna say “Well that’s what a sharpie is for” lol. I currently mark my balls this way so it’s handy to just pull them right out of the box and on my way.

    What’s everyone’s thoughts?

  2. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    I like the idea for sure. I still have a couple of dozen from the 4 for 3 in the spring but this will be my next order for certain.
  3. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

    Great idea for sure that Titleist is coming out with the alignment on there golf balls. Personally I do the same with marking with a sharpie lol.
    Definitely will be much easier.
  4. Darius V

    Darius V
    Barrie, ON

    Hey Shawn... I tried using an alignment line on my balls but got so focussed on the line that I would forget how far the hole was and ended up jabbing. Putting has never been my strong suit but I fail fewer times without an alignment aid than I do with :) For me I use a blank side up and pick a spot a few inches ahead of the ball to roll the ball over... I guess that makes me a feel putter rather than a technical one ? My new putter arrived today so I see good things on the horizon :)
  5. Nick


    I like the idea of the line already on there too and saves me some time marking them up.... or remarking them as the sharpie lines fade with use (assuming I dont lose the ball first!)

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