New Alignment ProV Series

Follow Thread

By Darius V

  • 7 Replies
  1. Darius V

    Darius V
    Barrie, ON

    I see that Titleist has come out with new alignment aids on the ProV series of golf balls. I personally have no success with the added alignment stripes. I tried it and really gave it a serious effort, but my eyes got so focussed on the alignment on the ball that my putting simply got worse. There are truly two schools of thought on putting. Some really like the alignment arrows while others prefer to focus on something else. Personally I am one who has learned to focus on a spot about six inches from the ball which allows my putter head flow towards it. Which group are you in ??? Alignment lines or clean ball ?

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  2. Todd J

    Todd J
    Calgary, Alberta 🇨🇦

    I always use the Pro V1 text to line up my ball this would make it easier. I Iike this clean look and you that you don't get when doing your own with a sharpie. Interesting to see they are priced the same and I think last time they did it they were up charged the same as a logo. Also I wonder why the -Pro V1x are completely different.
  3. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

    Clean ball
  4. I prefer clean, or one simple line. More than that is distracting.
  5. Nick


    I like the alignment lines and use them most of the time, but not necessarily all of the time. I find certain putts I want to go more by "feel". For example left to right breaking putts I like to use the line as I tend to push putts, so it helps me to start it on the line I want. But right to left I dont like the line and can hit those confidently by feel.
    Certain distances I either use or dont use either.
    I would say about 75% of the time I line it up.
  6. Daniel Tramble

    Daniel Tramble

    Darius. I get you. I use a spot as well but NEED the lines. My short game and putting is what keeps me a 10.8 Golf Canada index. Here is how I chose to mark my ball. Hope your golfs good
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  7. Trevor S

    Trevor S
    Calgary, AB

    I prefer a clean ball. I putt with no logo or stripes. I used the ProV alignment years ago and wasn't having much success.
    To each their own..
    Play well
  8. Alex Z

    Alex Z

    Great post Darius.

    I'm with you, I don't use alignment aids on the ball. I always have a spot on my line up to a foot away depending on the distance of the putt.

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